Is it safe to shutdown the vehicle on a daily basis?

For the Ather 450, the shut-down or vacation mode was designed for prolonged periods of non-usage. However, some of our initial owners were using the feature frequently and at high charge levels, which increased the risk of a particular electronic component in the battery failing, and the vehicle not waking up in a few cases. Here’s what we did once we found out about this usage:

  1. We have communicated the expected usage of the feature and recommend that you use shutdown mode as a vacation mode, only when you’d be leaving the vehicle unused for a long duration.
  2. In addition, for vehicles with VIN > 2973, the BMS design has been changed to accommodate a larger capacity resistor, thus minimizing any risk of the resistor burning out due to a sudden surge in the current from the battery pack.
  3. Finally, if you are one of those few who have been shutting it down frequently in the past, don’t worry, we will cover this under warranty as an exception.

Since a lot of users were using shutdown mode frequently, we’ve made changes in the BMS for the Ather 450X and 450 Plus to accommodate this usage.

You can find your VIN here: Where do I see VIN (Vehicle identification number) of my 450?


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