The Funny Side

You’re not the only one! I’ve mistaken white Ntorqs for Ather many times. A white Ntorq looks very much like an Ather from afar ( only front view).


I give a thumbs up always…


I love Ntorq in ICE segment.
But deeply we all know Ather is king…:crown::crown:


Ather Bike spotted test ride :wink:
@swapniljain I caught you…THE BATMAN… :smile:

Listen to the wheeeee @0:47… :sunglasses:


this is Ather - fAther


BATMAN is just a symbol


Have you guys experienced ‘dogs’ chasing vehicle? ‘Hum’ generated at lower speeds (less than 25km) makes it to bark & chase… I was chased twice so far.


i always have this question - though i love dogs a lot

why will they bark at moving vehicles and stop barking when they are stationary

asked many

i remember some mention about this in my primary school text book (in some english story) - though not determined the cause

any idea…!

dont google ± have tried - no convincing answers

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Happens with ICE bikes too. I’ve had some of them chase me while in a car as well.

Seems they just like to chase things!

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specially at night they turn Zombies

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As I read somewhere… engine sound make them get irritate in mind and confused state start barking… If you start speeding away it’s dangerous… better stop they don’t bite and take something and make it run… later you can continue specially when you on bike/ scooter

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Dogs have highly sensitive ears… at night when it is usually calm and quiet when a screeching sound hits the ears of super sensitive and sharp ears they get irritated and cannot bear the sharp engine sound… that is why they bark and chase…


One more observation

Children (especially toddlers) stare at 450 so often… Why? Is 450 a toy? :wink: I see children sitting behind their parents turn back and anxiously watching while I am riding. Is it the 2 (LED lights) eyes that make them fascinated? Sometime I see them smiling too with happy face :slight_smile: I am just wondering.


Children love new products.
Children aged between 7-13 years want to see and know everything.
That’s great.

I know, because I have young siblings


A post was merged into an existing topic: Charging at AtherGrid

The high pitched motor sound. I did read somewhere that children are more sensitive to it then adults.

I get chased by them when I cycle in the mornings. no sound nothing, they like to give an aggressive chase . The only thing that works is you coming to a complete stand still., yes, you read me right. Its not a natural thing to do when you are in the fight or flee mode, they get completely confused after you stop & give up.

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even i figure out this when i worked in early shifts and going by cycle to work

but yet not sure of the reason

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Ya…totally true with me as well…once in a while I look around to see whether people are watching the 450…:yum:…but most of the times adults don’t notice…but children will be watching…may be they have lesser things to think about while on road…:thinking:.


Few children get excited each time they see the 450 and yell out “metro bike”