Feedback on Ather Forum

A wiki post is like this one: Help list the "EV-friendly" apartment complexes!

A type of post which allows multiple people to contribute by adding/editing content, useful for when the community wants to create shared resources.


True I was ready to edit so many posts😂


The back button is broken on the Ather app when accessing the forum. It has been the case since I started using it a couple of months ago.

I mainly use the Ather app to access the forum. After reading a post, when I click on the back button to go back to the previous page, it just takes me back to the App’s Home page which shows the odometer reading. Can this be fixed? It makes it hard to use the forum properly.

Also, maybe unrelated to this thread (apologies if it is), how do I change my name that is displayed in the forum? I can see the name in the profile page, but there is no way to edit it!


Same! For some reason, my name on the Forum automatically changed to my name as per my documents last week, and don’t seem to be able to edit it despite it saying it is “optional”. image

My best hunch is that this was forced to avoid anonymous / pseudonym usage of the Forum.

P.S.: Blurring my last name in the image so that once (and if) the issue is rectified on the Forum, then my last name isn’t public just because of the image I shared :sweat_smile:


आपको हिंदी वालों को भी अपनी कमेटी में जोड़ना चाहिए सिर्फ अंग्रेजी बोलने वाले ही Ather नहीं चलाते हिंदी बोलने वाले भी चलाते हैं हिंदी को भी उतना ही सम्मान मिलना चाहिए जितना अंग्रेजी भाषा को।

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Well, we can talk in Hindi but the choice of language always comes to understandability and reach. Whether you like it or not English is far more understood in urban India, which comprises of Ather’s customer base, than any other regional language.

So, it’s obvious why English has been the language of choice for this forum. There isn’t any official policy (that I know of) that you’ve to use English but it’s the most obvious option.

Also typing in regional languages on keyboards is really clunky or almost impossible and I much prefer to type in English.


If i type Ather in capital letters and post, it will not come in capital letters. Why only Ather? You can see in the above screenshot i have typed Ather in capital letters but when i post it, it will become small letters. Why?

It’s a watched word on the forum, no specific reason, just a whimsical setting to ensure Ather is written correctly :stuck_out_tongue:

There are other things in place where you wont be able to write a post or a topic title in all caps etc. Prevents common errors


Just want to see if this is a watched word too!


It’s not. :joy:


BecUze i :heart: my ~Ather~

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Interesting. I guess we’ll have to do this instead - ΑΤΗΕꓣ! :laughing::wink:


How did you post in capital🤔

I should be able to Recatogorise this, but for some reason, I’m getting this error, So a Regular is not Authorised to do so or it’s just another forum bug?

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The hamburger menu isn’t working for me. Is this only faced by me or others too? Please help @abhishek.balaji .

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It’s not working for me too.

works on computer !

2 posts were split to a new topic: Purchase details shown incorrectly

Search on the forum needs to improve quite a bit. Although this post started off with the topic of “Smart charging” has a lot of useful tips for new EV users about preserving battery health and general charging etiquette. I had searched about range/battery tips before and saw several other posts, but never came across this one. This is probably the most comprehensive one of all the other posts.

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I actually connot find few posts and topics even though I search for the right keywords. So if i find something informative I immediately save that post. Search really need to improve!