Updates and new features

“1. Instead of Kms remaining, the dashboard will display the percentage of charge remaining.”

I really hope its optional if this is true. KMs remaining is much more useful than percent of charge. Why not both as dashboard is big enough?


yes love the idea

user option is always better

there’s good amount of discussion happening and good number of suggestions coming up. hope someone from the @Ather.Team is monitoring to put them on the roadmap. it would also be good to share their thoughts/responses on these.


As far as I remember, as per the discussion during Open Forum, Ather team told they can accommodate both v during future release

The first point actually makes sense. In our petrol vehicles, we don’t really have a range estimate but amount of petrol remaining. Having the battery percent as priority information and range as small / secondary information would work better and reduce range anxiety. Then you’d have a rough estimate of how far your vehicle would go, supported by the range estimate, without depending on range for travel. You’d now make ride plans based on battery percentage and not the range estimate shown. Glad that these changes are coming preinstalled. Congrats btw!


@Ather.Team New feature suggestion: Smart unlock using fingerprint scan


It works when the EVs have comparable range as petrol vehicles. In this case, Ather 450 has range of 60 to 80 KMs while petrol scooters have ~200 KMs of range. For petrol bikes, the range is even more. Even petrol scooter owners worry about range more than bike owners due to small tank size of scooters.

As I mentioned, its better to have option of both and let user choose.


That still leaves the range to guessing, since in your ICE vehicle you know how much milage you get out of a liter of petrol. In that sense,we have to know how much distance we can travel on every percent of battery left.

You really do not know how much is the mileage in your ICE scooter too. It’s just an estimate. Drive aggressively and the FE will drop. drive sedately and you get better FE.
Which is what will happen with this new update too.

Assume if in you ICE vehicles they display kms left instead of fuel left, how many scooters would give the same mileage as claimed by the brochures and sales guys? I bet you it’ll be a very small percentage. Same thing with a mobile phone as well…number of hours left vs percentage of battery left.

When range is always displayed n the dashboard in terms of Kms , you’ll expect and plan to ride those many Kilometres. When you do not get it, obviously you’ll be disappointed. if it is displayed in percentage, you’ll make your own estimate based on your driving style and experience. That’ll reduce the range anxiety. IMO it is just a psychological thing. As some other have also opined, percentage of charge remaining as the primary display and DTE/Range as a secondary display will actually help


Yes, but over time, you’ll have a rough estimate of how much your vehicle can do based on how you ride. I’m sure it’s almost the same with petrol vehicles. You won’t know the exact distance you can travel on a litre of petrol when you first get your bike, except for what they claim when they sell the bike. The actuals will be much lesser.

What I meant was that this would be a better gauge or information that I personally would prefer, as battery percent is something i can bank on, instead of a range estimate that keeps changing. Interchanging the weightage of range and battery percent from what it is now is something I’d suggest. This keeps focus on battery percent.

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Oh wow, you’ve already replied with whatever I wanted to say :joy:


Exactly… That was the point I was mentioning during discussion…

In your phone, when you know x% battery remaining, you know how long it will last based on what you are planning to use. You don’t really care what your phone shows hours remaining (which is based on some prediction algorithm)

Same way, if we see % battery remaining, I will know how much range I will get based on driving pattern and road I m going to take. I will also know how to get better use of remaining battery.

Apparently, when range prediction becomes accurate, we can start relying on that more.

But, otherwise accurate battery percent remaining will solve the range anxiety problem.


What if we get to know instantaneously the remaining range. Open the throttle and we should see the range drop, regen should calculate how much extra juice is extracted. Also the app should show the recommended speed to maintain… @ather_rajs.in can do it, can’t they…

That puts a lot of sense in the range anxiety issue, thanks for the crisp answer. Point taken :slight_smile:


Cool :sunglasses:

but I’ll only return to bang only by tomorrow!


waiting for it, apparently it will take some time to reach every 450 out there.


I don’t get any update… ?

so, are you curious and is it tempting to get back soon to experience the next version :wink: @Abhishek