Updates and new features

Here you go. App version (Android) and vehicle firmware version.
Go to Profile -> click on the ‘Profile’ link right below your name. You’ll see Home and Work location settings here.


Got it ! Never occurred to me to tap on the profile link !! Not intuitive.

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already a profile pic!


Are there people here still waiting for the update? I still haven’t received it. Calling or mailing ather Regarding this is useless. Has anyone figured how to initiate it? I also plan on writing to ather soon as to why I’d want an option to not subscribe to any plan as the basic plan is for the SIM card. If the data doesn’t work and I never use maps on the bike, why should I subscribe. How is it a connected vehicle when it can’t even receive an update in more than 2 weeks. Would like to hear others thoughts. TIA.


When I got my vehicle it did not have latest OTA… I was told it is pushed and I should get the next day. But I had called couple of times but same reply. Any idea how to get the latest OTA?

Due to some glitch my vehicle was not linked in the App until delivery, which they linked it the next day.

Hey Guys,

Just had a check with the team. Seems like the update on your vehicle has successfully installed @prasathvishnu.

And I hope @nilesh149, the customer service team was able to speak to you about the pickup schedule to manually update the software.

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can u please check with the team for me as well

still running on old one

sent mail to cc

got response that they have deployed

but haven’t got it yet

@Ather.Team Be great if you guys could add a way to the vehicle dashboard or the app to view download /install progress. Also a manual update button would be cool. you’ve probably received this feedback already. If it’s already on your feature list for the next OTA, let us know?

Yup, I gave the same feedback… Triggering manual download and download progress is a good alternative

Even, I have not got OTA update for vehicle.

Yes it’s scheduled for tomorrow

This morning, I opted out from Ather mobile app from beta user to normal user.

While riding back from office to home in the evening. I saw update icon displayed on dashboard and got the update.

As soon as reached home. Put charge to cross 40 percent to begin with update :smiley:

Not sure beta mode was issues or Ather team pushed update for me. I suggest you check opt out from beta user and check for update.

@Abhishek @prasathvishnu please check if you ather app running on normal or beta mode once in playstore or iOS store.


i don’t see logic here

but I’ll give a try (if it happens either me or Ather should be stupid)

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@santosh.rism I too opted out. Let me see :slight_smile:

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Has anyone received a minor update this evening??
Previously it was
Now it’s displayed
Any updates or improvements in this update? anyone pls share the same!



Got it. Installed it.
Edit: doesn’t look like anything has been changed.
Must be bug fixes.

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@Shreyas @Ather.Team Please do something to reduce battery drain out during idling time… in my case it’s 6%of battery reducing for 9 hour’s. It’s almost 350W/day in idling time it’s huge. Seriously look for some power saving methods, it’s first criteria to consider in battery operated systems and embedded systems. Next is that grinding sound and its cries when we accelerate please look in to it

I checked for few days where the drain was 4 or 5 percent in 10 hours or so.

So I started shutting down. But one day I forgot to shut down and didn’t lose even one percent in 8-9 hours.

Not sure if improvement expected after some 100 kms or it’s hit or miss. Planning to keep it without shutting down to see how much it drains.

Mean while I recommend you to use shutdown option during night times to save battery draining. To turn it on again it takes less than 1 minutes.