Update on FAME II guidelines and chargers

If you want to reply to a specific post, reply on that comment and not on comments which are addressed to someone else. I never commented on 1st/ 2nd Owner concern of yours. If I did, please share the post

Also as Parveen rightly said, no need to use aggressive language with anyone on the forum. We are all here to help fellow Ather users. No personalised comments

Please refrain from personalised comments. Also, go through the guidelines regarding incorrect info being shared out on the forum. Its of no use arguing whether 2nd owner will get the refund or not. If they do decide to reimburse, you will receive a mail from Ather regarding the same. Thanks


Proof regarding what? How do you expect Ather or anyone for that matter to refund the charger cost to someone who hasn’t paid for the charger in the 1st place?

Like I said, please quote the comment so I know what you are talking about


Sir i asked regarding this statement whether its officially announced by Ather??? N who are u to decide are u part of the employee Ather company is it regarding by telling 1st place n 2nd place

Some people bought scooters without a charger, and then later on bought the charger separately. those people will be exempted.


Those who sold the scooters might not be eligible too. Those people who bought 2nd hand Athers will not be eligible. Those who have had on Lease might not be eligible. That’s all I can think about.


What about the people who have paid through cash? Wondering how would they refund to those people like me. :thinking:


Who said this statement to u 1st place n second place this thing iam asking are u cordinating with the cc team is it sir???


Is it invoiced sir??? If so it will be notified via email or via call to u to update bank details just before refund just keep a eye watch on this sir


Yes, they have given me a hard copy of the invoice.


If u see the invoice of your Ather u will see how much u have paid for the charger,i also paid by cash and i am charged ₹5.4k for the charger

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I replied to the comment where the user had paid ₹0.1 for the charger.

My comment was on the word ‘May’. Anyways if they do, all 2nd owners will receive a mail.


Then it will be done just keep in touch with cc team sir n follow ur emails regularly within next week the process will be updated via email or throu ur registered mobile contact number just keep invoice safe

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Ok sir love u n take care n tanx for being part of our family GBU🙏 n helping sharing n caring u can ask the proof n source for our shared datas but if we ask then it will be something nightmare n violation of the guideline forums


Man! 5.4K is a lot cheaper. Is yours 750W - Portable or Dot?


The Dot/ Portable chargers were cheaper with Gen 2 scooters I think. With Gen 3, it went to 13-14k and later on they started charging 19.99k for the same


@rakshithvikas @deandhruv @power_light2000

Hi there

I understand that we may all have different opinions and perspectives on the topic at hand, but let’s try to express them in a cooler tone. We’re all here to learn from each other and share ideas, not to belittle or attack one another.

I kindly request that the three members involved in the argument take a step back and cool down. Let’s take a breather and come back to the discussion with a fresh mindset. Perhaps we could also try to review each other’s viewpoints and try to find common ground.

We are a community and we need to respect one another. Let’s discuss and debate in a manner that reflects our mutual respect.


Tanx buddy

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Mine is Gen3

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I own a dot.


This is a good development, in the right direction . Good for long term Climate goals


What on the Earth is going on here?

why are you getting offended if someone corrects you? This is a discord style forum and not some Facebook comment section. Kindly show some decency and respect out for other members.

My statement is clear as what I think not an official Q and A of Ather I have clearly mentioned that

You on the Other hand have asked the same question on a Different Topic that Will Second hand scooter purchaser will get Refund or not at 7.42pm Yesterday

As long As I know Ather Customer Care Closes at 7 PM and yet you posted bluntly at 9.57pm

So tell me Which CC rep did you ask or was it a false information?

You have been in constantly erupting the forum and Giving me a Bad name :upside_down_face:

I think you bought a Second hand scooter and now trying to earn extra money, But IMO Ather doesn’t own you anything. The Reason is FAME Subsidy yours is still intact.

Again This was MY opinion

Never jump the gun before it’s shot, That’s why I always wait for Official Mail or News

Hey Thanks, I never Do those things But some people get offended on simplest explanation and can’t handle a NO in their life. My intention were crystal clear. If you never paid anything to the company , they don’t owe you anything.


As if u showed yesterday lot of decency n showed headweight to others already n u were marked bad character n u used some mambo jambo harsh texting to others n understimated to the ppl in forum words n underestimated although their data n resources were true n genuine before official statement of the Ather team about charger refund instead u could have been gentle n polite n asked about their authentic sources n media details n links n dont think only on one side coin has 2 faces too hope u got my point n i yesterday told too never ever underestimate everyone to our Ather community forum fellow members too u see this too