The Funny Side

Don’t think its an indication of hazard light based on the icons, cos if you see the Motor is On, while the side stand is engaged. I think its just demo of all the icons available on screen are displayed, is all.

When the app doesn’t like to connect to the scooter.


Saw one new Ola which came to temple for Pooja. The owner was struggling with the proximity lock and eventually the enter passcode in public. It was 0000 :stuck_out_tongue:


Met my school friend after a really long time. We were talking about how things are going on. So he asked how’s Ather?! I said it’s a great experience etc etc. To which he said yeah but is the business good enough? How’s the sales and things?! I was confused. So I answered back in general yeah market is growing and stuff to which he cleared that how is the EC which I or my family owns is doing. :rofl::rofl: I told him there isn’t anything like that, I am just an owner. And the posts I do is for myself.

This is getting serious now. If anyone knows someone from HR, please tag them here. :sweat_smile::joy:

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Somewhere on the streets of bangalore @AnaghDeshpande spotted this not so clever fellow trying to make Ather look like a low speed unregistered BEV. Maybe to evade fines :man_shrugging:t4:

In a 3rd tier city. I’d understand this. But in Bangalore :man_facepalming:t4: :laughing: the audacity !! @tarun or have you gone ahead and finally launched a low budget BEV :thinking:

Ive seen another guy around the KR market area with such stunts. His plate was saying "Go green” lmao.


Just like tapping/slapping your remote to work, I wonder if this trick works in the grid too

This looks :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I thin You just tap the DOT on perfect timing before the Fan Turn On :crazy_face:

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Not only Bangalore I have seen Such People with Ather Coimbatore , Kerala , Goa and Hydrabad :rofl: :joy: :grin: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The relay which turns on the charger is stuck, dot has already went fot warranty replacement.


Whatever…What you did was smoooooooth :joy:


okok brother


Via the WhatsApp group.


which whatsapp group?

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Ather Owners

Photo by @acorreya


Need a counter sticker.

Shots fired shots fired @tarun

Photo from someone else :stuck_out_tongue: I just shared the fun :smiley: