Discussions on pricing and subscriptions

No they are sticking to what they have announced…No changes in price of scooter or subscription.


@Ather.Team Glad you took efforts to arrange the open house and AMA. I could not make it for the open house. Saw the Q&A on AMA 1& 2.

Got answers for some of the key points I was pondering about.

  1. The message is clear. 450X looks costly because 450 is under-priced to capture market. So, the price remains.
  2. So, the price already includes FAME2 subsidy for both outright purchase & subscription… (For outright, awaiting approvals though)
  3. The subscriptions are brought in to cater

who cannot afford high upfront cost who are worried about battery replacement cost who wants high battery performance all the time

  1. Subscription does not include Battery Price. Subscriptions has to continue to get the benefits of subscription

But, Exit plan will be available right from Day 1. You pay the residual value of the battery and no more payment. Details awaited Snooze (???) and Pause (1 month in an year) can be availed. Details awaited

  1. 450 will be supported for life time of the product similar to industry standards.

OTAs for new features will be given for next few years*** Ather One Plans will continue to be available for existing owners and no price change in near future, but reasonable to expect revision based on inflation 4G module upgrade is being worked upon.

  1. 450 → 450X Upgrade means no eligibility for FAME 2 subsidy unless registration is done thru another family member.
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@abhishek.balaji what’s the difference between snooze and pause options in the subscriptions?


Same thing


Any updates about upgrade for existing 450 owners ?

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Check this:


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@abhishek.balaji Will there be a Ather Connect type of subscription for 450X for those who do not want to use the Public Charging infrastructure but want to use the app and receive the OTA updates.


Yes. Confirmed on the forum somewhere.


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ownership Experience

As per the post in the AMA thread, the scooter itself (without the battery) costs ₹1lakh. I don’t get this. What makes the scooter so costly? Any way to justify this cost? May be that will convince people.


Here are the major cost elements I can think of
All aluminium chassis
On-board smart display
Dual disks

Most of the others including the 12” alloys you may find on other vehicles.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: 450X: Product/Technical discussions

I wish Ather comes up with better subscription plan. Current prices are too high and doesn’t make sense to own 450x with 2000 subscription charges p.m. I better buy a petrol scooter which will be far less compared to this 450x. I hope competitors come with same standard as that of 450x so that we can get better pricing. Just because there is no competition currently, 450x price is so high. I request ather team to come up with better ownership model if they are too succeed with scooter.


There was assurance that the existing customers will be given attractive options to switch, but yesterday’s presentation showed the normal way to exchange and/or normal way to break lease and re-lease and/or buy.
Can we still expect better options in few months?
The older lease plan we had was to pay 75K upfront and 23xx per month… which is closer to your subscription plans… something like we pay 10k to 15k extra and switch to 450x and keep the monthly like 2500?
If you are still considering to give some good option - I would suggest to group people on the plans they bought the vehicles and their usage pattern and come up with 5 to 10 options for people to switch.


We are working on making the process seamless, but we are still constrained by the process of transfer of ownership and registering your vehicle again.

That’s the plan as of now. This will be most seamless if you’re on a lease plan and moving to a newer lease plan for the 450X.

We’ll announce more details soon :slight_smile:


Hi Abhishek,

Just now called CC for cancellation of 450X. But heard that there may be a price Change which would be announced in a week? Is that so ?

There won’t be a pricing change, but we’re working on making the subscription options and upfront payment options clearer. You can check out the AMA we did over the weekend: https://forum.atherenergy.com/t/closed-ama-1-saturday-1-february/5294/181

Ya I was reading the chats in AMA. But the CC person told to wait for another week and there May be a change in Price change. I just confirmed whether it is an detailed plan or there would be a change in price for which I recieved a response that there may be a change in price.


Will there be more subscription options than the existing 2?

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No change in price. They would have told you that we’re working on sharing mode details on the current plans and making things much more clear than at launch.