Portable charger

I got old model portable charger, i can lend it for a day.


My portable charger is showing relay chatter sound and is not able to charge the vehicle. Has anyone seen this problem?


Have you tried it on another plug point?

Will try now.

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I tried a different point and it worked. But then I tried it with a different extension cable. The problem could be either of these, will resolve and update. Thanks for the quick response.

problem seems to be with the extension cable. currently it is charging with another one I had. Will fix the broken one. For a minute I was wondering what all went wrong. Good to know that problem was on the electrical side on my end.

While at it, I think there is definite value from Ather or identify a OEM partner to provide a robust 10,15, 20m extension cable as an accessory for purchase? So, that we hobbyists/street electricians don’t try our half knowledge on a professional equipment?

If I had a permanent residence I wouldn’t be doing this of course.

cc: @Ather.Team ^^


It’s easy to find extension cables for use with the portable charger. You’ll need to ensure they’re 3 pin and have the earthing cable throughout.

Some cheaper extension cables skimp out on that and provide a 3 pin cable with only 2 connected wires.

I use this one: https://www.amazon.in/Tia-Sockets-Extension-Anchor-Socket/dp/B07J5XRZXP/ref=sr_1_20?keywords=3+pin+extension&qid=1573470460&sr=8-20


Thanks @abhishek.balaji
The one I am using was built by myself and used high quality materials, but then a local electrician took it saying he will put a better box and plug, and seems like due to lot of movements something inside has snapped. Will fix this or get a better one soon. Its not worth the hassle for home charging usage.

The cable you pointed doesn’t seem to have a 10m version, does it?

So, in that way convenience of Pod rules for everyday charging.


Hey @abhishek.balaji,
I need the new portable charger as soon as possible. Can you let me know how much more time would it take to get the stocks up ?

We’re expecting stocks by the end of this week. So, you should be able to purchase one then. Meanwhile, if it’s urgent, try here? https://forum.atherenergy.com/t/sharing-portable-charger/

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Super, thank you very much. Can I place an order now and pick it up when the stocks are up ?

@abhishek.balaji can Ather confirm if there were any changes since the recent software update to detect incorrect earthing?
I checked the wiring of the extension box and everything is intact. Looks like post I haven’t charged? But I can’t remember exactly since I charge once in 20-30 days :smiley:

The rented place I use has a socket but the neutral is not exactly wired or earthed so to speak.
But, that said I was using this setup from last three to four months without any issues.

Just to confirm did an experiment with just Live and Ground to supply power and charger doesn’t have an issue. The problem comes once there is a neutral and the switch board is not wired with the neutral.
If I disconnect the neutral pin, things seem to work as it was.

This really good one, simple and affordable cost as well.

Just an update that it seems like something wrong with the charger plug. I have filed a service ticket with Ather. Let me see what I learn from it.

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Nothing in the last OTA.

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@abhishek.balaji what about old model charger? Will that be available this week?

It’s available as of now. You can call CS to get the payment link.


Thank you. Spoke with them. I was told that the payment link will be sent.

@abhishek.balaji While I am yet to receive the payment link, a small doubt probably you could clarify.

I remembered GST cut (18% to 5%) was done for EV chargers as well. Today, understood from CS that the GST of 18% is applicable for the portable charger because the v1 portable charger technically is not a charger and it is just a charging cable.

So, v1.1 portable charger should qualify for GST of 5%, right?

It does.


Thanks for the offer. The issue got fixed with in couple of hours

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