Ownership Experience

Even I am in the same boat but no help from Ather on this issue, also noise from seat is also not resolved.

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Hi seat noise can be resolved completely. Contact Ather Service. Only Noise which I have is From front suspension now.

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Thanks for the info

@raghav.srinivasan here it is, Scooter was made to “shutdown” after taking the below readings yesterday

Now almost after 24 hrs, it lost 3% or 2km.

And the Dash view to confirm it is indeed real:


cc: @Ather.Team

Was able to get the battery level to 0% to check actual range, I got 65KM’s with Sports and Ride mix mode. Once it reaches the 5KM’s range, the throttle will not take more than 20KM speed. It switches from Sports to Ride mode once it reaches to 10KM.


After 3 attempts of fixing, yesterday it was 4th attempt to fix the seat noise.

After the Ather technician delivered the vehicle, I tried going over humps and potholes, I could say it is better, but not completely resolved.

I mean,

  1. the sound is lower
  2. the sound does not come over smaller potholes
  3. on the bigger humps when it can withstand little more speed. Earlier, I have to ultra careful to avoid sound, now it allows some more speed.

After testing this on few vehicles, my observation is: A vehicle does not have this issue, when you push the end of the seat, it will snugly fit without any movement.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Mobile App


Small Doubt. How do i know if regen is activated? Does it show up in dashboard?


As of now I don’t think there’s any such indication. You can JUST feel it apparently.
But it’s so light that it’s quite easy to miss.

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Watch the Speed indicator halo when you engage regen. You notice a sudden spike in the Halo for a second, indicating regen activation.


Will check tomorrow when i ride. I only see red indicator increases as i accelerate. It goes off when i de accelerate. There should be Green indication when we activate regen(in future update). Correct me if I am wrong.


Why is there a spike in the Halo when regen is activated ? Doesn’t the Halo represent energy discharge ?

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The one I am talking about is the speed indicator, not the real-time efficiency indicator.

You will see a tiny spike just for a second and then the speed indicator will go backwards to show a reduction in you speed.


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Discussions on News and Updates

The battery fan cover fell off while riding. I had suspected that would happen as the cover was flimsy :slightly_frowning_face:. The fit below the fan is also not the best.


I agree. The fan cover is flimsy. It moves even with the slightest touch.

am lucky with this

every time it came out i can see it on floor board and i will put my foot on it until i safely take left and stop on the road to fix it

i did put a tape but every other day it comes off - may be due to heat or dirt

servicing team is aware of this


Surely looks filmsy… Luckily, did not fall till now. But, when cleaning, I go slow because it moves in that area

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Call support, they’ll come and fix it. I lost.mine within 2 weeks of delivery

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I have. They are picking up the vehicle today to look into this and other issues I have raised.