On Road Experience

Ooops… I have noticed when SOC was in 80s and 90s%… I mean a sudden drop in battery % but a shutdown and restart will show the battery % again correctly…

I guess same thing wud have happened but unfortunately at 7%.

BTW, did u try restarting?

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Well this is what happened to me this morning for the first time.

  1. 450 was charged to a 100% and was kept in shutdown mode at night.
  2. In the morning, when I turned on the vehicle to go to work, battery percentage showed as 0% with ride mode enforced.
  3. Plugged into point to check if it actually starts charging from 0% but dashboard would not update charging schedule or percentage
  4. Did a hard reset but still the battery level would not change
  5. Did a shutdown and power on again. Battery stats come back to normal.

    Now battery percentage is the most critical metric for a EV. I was not expecting a bug in its reading but sadly it is affected too @Ather.Team @Shreyas

I tried all combinations but it didn’t work

It happened to me at 2%.
The vehicle shut off and not restarting… then I had to push around 2kms to the public charger…

@Ather.Team @Shreyas. Pls look into this ASAP many are facing this issue.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Discussions on News and Updates

It is an option sir :smiley:
good for those take me home moments.

I too experience same issue once.

Hello There,

I don’t know how to put it any better, but how are people byond 5’11" adjusting with the mirrors?
I face difficulties in the rear view and find myself turning back a lot for a proper idea of the rear traffic, tried adjusting but not much helpful. Would have been better if the mirror could be rotated up down instead of only sideways.

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You can actually adjust the mirror along the vertical axis - in fact you can adjust it along all three axes of rotation.

There are a couple of problems however - one, the mirrors are a bit tight, but once you get them moving around the problem goes away. Two, it’s difficult to adjust them to get a proper view of the rear, I find myself constantly adjusting them too.


Sorry to say, the mirror sucks. I am 6’2 and the mirrors are barely useful. So, I went and got these blindspot mirrors to help when I change lanes.


May be this video would help


Thank you for this.

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Just curious as to how many times this video as come to help. I was one of the recipient too :grin:


Many thanks to you sir

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This definitely helps. A big shout to you

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No problem at all the complete credit goes to creator of the video…

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Mirror is a pain to use , even for short people , needs a better designed mirror , my old scooty mirrors has lot more visibility and works like a mirror, Mirror on the Ather is a joke with practicality next to zero nothing but a fancy piece .

Thanks so much for the video man! Had no idea that it could be moved on 2 other axes!


no problem at all… :slightly_smiling_face:

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