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Panaji is on the list of cities for April-June.

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BABA, yetli re begin yetli… Panjim is in the dropdown. It was suppose to be in Q1 of 2021, but, i think, we can consider Q1 here means April - June 2021 and not Calendar year Q1 which i thought being Jan to Mar 2021… :grinning: :smiley:

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Yes, Goa soon… I can see its on the list.


I heard that Tata has setup few charging stations all over India, like Ather grid, will the Ather 450 be compatible to get charged in tata charging stations?

Or any other charging stations besides ather grid, as i am from Visakhapatnam

Ather can only be charged at Ather Grid. It uses proprietary charging infrastructure.

You may be able to charge with portable though it will be slow.

Any idea, when ather comes to Trivandrum?

they have no idea when it will come to the cities in the list.

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We have already pre ordered from Hubli. Eager to get delivery. Also an immediate need.

Price for Nagpur has been updated now. Looks like Nagpur is soon.

Also found this bug on the website. But I checked, it’s not there on other devices. Maybe problem with the device.

They did say that it will be launch at Q1 2021

Yeah. I shared as it as a first development for the new cities.

Let’s see about teir promise of Q1 will they be able to fulfill. Btw am to from Nagpur.

Oh okay. Let’s hope we get our Athers “soon” in our respective cities.

Yeah fingers crossed for that :pray:

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According to the list,the test rides have begun in the first three cities. So as per my judgement, Indore’s next? :wink:

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Panaji next after Indore​:grinning::grinning:

Sure :joy:. When I got the email for this reply, the mail was titled Abishek… So I thought Abhishek has some update for us. But nothing. :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

When was Trichy announced on the list of cities? I couldn’t find its announcement and the test rides are starting tomorrow.

announcement is normal everything its relied on the dealer who tooked dealership every push and sale on time on dealers hand only otherwise it will be a greatest humour