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What do you guys think about upcoming EV scooters like Vespa elettrica and twenty two motors flow(battery swap). They seem to offer lot of range on compromise for speed.

The other compromise being that they are still “upcoming” :slight_smile:


Ya i agree :slightly_smiling_face:

Battery swapping is a poor infrastructure idea (if you think scientifically)…


Check this out !

Sachin Bansal invests $32 mn in Ather Energy; firm plans 1 million unit factory https://www.livemint.com/companies/start-ups/sachin-bansal-invests-32-million-in-ather-energy-plans-1-million-unit-factory-1559047709204.html


Yeah. We got email from Ather as well.

Dats @atherenergy’s plant


This… I do not understand.

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Firstly, is it 220 crores or 350 crores or more.
Secondly, why do we need the ad, when we know about Ather in the first place?
Ather, your marketing team needs to look into this matter.
Even in my email, I get recieving Ather ads.

Use the money(funding) to target other 2 wheeler buyers, not us.

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The ads are served based on search history and content relevance.

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Ads are not shown by Ather. Your search history and online activity is what dictates what you see. Heard of cookies?
Recently there was a WhatsApp forward going around of a guy who complained to IRCTC that he was seeing explicit content only to get embarrassed :slight_smile:


Next time you see the ad, can you click on it to see where it redirects?

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Will redirect to atherenergy.com


Interesting. But not sure why they are targeting the people who already own or pre-ordered the bike. :wink: They should really focus on delivery right now. The publicity is massive already

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“They” do not get to choose who to target. The algorithm is simple, Google crawls through your browsing history and displays ads relevant to your interest. Google does not know (we think…) or care if you own a Ather or not.

I’ve been reading almost every article that throws up the word Ather, so I get a lot ads for Ather products.


Same here

Ather should work with Google about their ads and Google Maps

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News on electric vehicles being pushed by the Government: