Delivery delay even after Partial Lockdown lifting in Bangalore

10 posts were split to a new topic: Delivery delay in Delhi

I am sure you will get your delivery in a couple of weeks, please wait if you can as the it’s a really good product,they have their set of problems due to the lockdown and the new fame-2 revision,just give them a week’s time and then decide.

This post is giving me anxiety now… I am kicking myself for not having read this post before making full payment and ordering :confused: I’ll probably wait for a day or two and if I see no progress then I’ll have to check on ways to cancel the order and get the refund.


Refund also very difficult fahad because they are real slow and new in Industry they dont know how to do work and satisfy customer it will take time :joy:

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I don’t mind them being a bit late, due to lockdown and stuff I can understand the delays but what I see here is sheer incompetence by Ather support and lack of transparency of how they are handling it. They look like a very lazy company unfortunately :frowning:

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Sir 2month 15 days completed not given the vehicle don’t take ather vehicle

Hi Rohit, is the delivery done? Can you please update? I’m stuck as well.


Which city your vehicle for delivery

Not Yet. Today the registration was initiated


Okay, did you get any timeline for the delivery Rohit? :confused:

I am hoping by Saturday or sunday


That’s great! Something positive out of all this :slight_smile: Thank you.

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Nope you won’t get it that soon, my vehicle registration was done last Thursday, I also thought Saturday hopefully but I’m still waiting , my order status currently is “Delivery scheduling “ from yesterday :ok_man: This is too slow , understandable on the COVID but still feels too slow

Send the registration message that you received from Vaahan to them on mail. That will speed up the process

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someone called me from Ather i guess Saturday and i told them its already registered, why would you need few more days for the delivery, the answer i got was “HSRP number plates take time”, Sigh!.. the excitement is running out :frowning: i will still give the benefit of covid doubt, i was hoping i get a call to schedule delivery today, nothing yet :frowning:


HSRP? What’s that? I’ve signed the forms and have been waiting since then for an update. :frowning:


High security number plate - I just checked and I had signed the form and sent to them on 22-06

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Oh my god. this is horrific from Ather’s side. Ather’s Delivery Anxiety will kill the customer before Range anxiety. Really bad.

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They told me today that the HSRP will take max 2 days.