Ather 450X Discussions

Simple to understand the things
A new REVOLUTION & new concept in EV industry for Ather 450X buy in 99000 & Medi Claim the whole scooter by paying monthly premium ₹1699 or ₹ 1999 for lifetime warranty on the battery pack all while keeping higher performance commitments from ATHER
Medi Claim pricing includes recurring costs like data charges, public charging and new features through OTAs. That means that if your battery health ever goes BELOW 80%, it will just replace it .
Kindly note conditions Apply

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I completely agree with u Akshay…even i have 450 and clocked 3000km…daily commuting 45 km…no major issues other than recent OTA update…later it rectified…
I suggest Those who booked 450 go ahead to buy and enjoy EV…because after yesterday release even i am thinking 450will be the collector edition…:wink:


One more query - I’m sure this is repetition, if I were to change teh cities between Mumbai Delhi Bangalore Pune, what changes for my pre owned scooter and subscription and support across served cities or it’s like that of bank branch of SBI, did you also build the car rental model ? Even with all this comprehensive inclusivity of host features for which 2k is charged , 99k upfront doesn’t justify then. Check the Revolt model. It still justifies, surely they have their own problems.

Ather 450x failed before launch due to Price and subscription plan. We r own the bike not a life time rental bike.


My daily commute is 65kms can someone confirm me whether I can achieve it with 450 so that I’ll go with 450 itself happily.

Can some existing 450 owners confirm me at any cost can I achieve 65km on single charge ?


Like we announced earlier, we’re working on lucrative options for exchange of 450s on road for the 450X and will announce this in a couple of months. The 450X has upgraded internals, and retro-fitting 450s would require significant changes in the existing hardware, which would not be feasible financially as of now.

You can achieve 65 km Harsha…


You do own the scooter. It’s just a different model of ownership, with lower upfront cost. You lease the battery back only, and we have an exit option, along with the ability to pause your subscription when not using it. We’ll announce more details on all of this soon.

If you have 100% charge, easily!!

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You absolutely can. Check out this thread: Mileage Archives

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You can switch between cities where we have service and you’ll still enjoy all the features and service of the scooter.

Give them a week, they might make it a hit ;).

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When can we expect an email for collector’s edition?

We’ll try to address these during the Open House/AMA.

I really hope you are right. I loved the scooter itself… It’s an amazing product. But the pricing really killed it for me… Please @Ather.Team make it happen :pray:

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So what about payment window for those who want to upgrade to 450x ? Will it open at same time as new buyers who have pre ordered ? Or do we need to wait for additional time for your exchange policy to be finalized ?

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We’ll announce the exchange plans well in advance, before deliveries begin, so it’ll be open at the same time as pre-orders.

Simple language it is called SIP (systematic investment plan )
In Ather 450X it is loss for long term
In stock market this SIP IS GROWING return

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Praying on the govt to move up the FAME 2 limit by 1Lk

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We Don’t Need any subscription plans. You just sell the vehicle and that’s it!!!
Subscription plans should not be mandatory its should come under Choice!!!
if still ather subscription is mandatory sure you gonna lose 95% of Customers.