450X: Product/Technical discussions

How can that be done? Any link or something?

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If any one has got ather please let me know the performance

450 or 450x?

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Better than any of the 125cc scooters currently available… lower than some performance motorbikes of 250 cc

Hey Guys,

For 450x, is it safe to get a full body wash done through washing centers? Just worried if it can cause any electronic/electrical issues?

I noticed that my 450x dashboard is always ON when bike is on charge … is anyone facing this issue?

Check this out

It should not be. Brightness of the display should go low in a while and if you touch it again, display turns on.


@tarun, @abhishek.balaji Do 450x after assembly go through any QC checks ? How come my 450x which was manufactured in Nov 2020 already has hardware component issue in dashboard display which has to be replaced now to solve dashboard restart which occurs middle of ride. Earlier I had handlebar Noise issue which used make creaking Noise when it was turned in any direction for which they told they re routed brake line to prevent Noise issue. Aren’t all these supposed to be identified after assembly before getting delivered to customer ?


Definitely yes, there are stringent quality checks, seems like there was a miss in your case. Glad to know that they’ve resolved the issue. Internally, they’ll look at these cases where there was a miss and make improvements in the process and EC to ensure this doesn’t repeat in the future.

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Then why saree guard is offered with the scooter…? And why on earth will some one in India pay a 1.72 lac INR for a scooter and will refrain his/her own saree dressed mother sitting as a pillion rider…?

Because that is the LAW!. YES!. A saree guard has to be installed prior to delivery. What you do after delivery is up to you!

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When is the bluetooth feature getting enabled?


Also will this Bluetooth feature is going to be part of subscription plan or get it by default without additional charges.

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When Taking Delivery - they Informed -

Bluetooth Feature will be rolled out on February -

Will this Bluetooth Feature will be Delivered as Promised in Feb / or it’s just a prototype for Display in Website…?


There’s no law that mandates the need for a single footrest for sitting sideways. But rules for saree guard exist. Even for 20Lakh superbikes. Hayabusa gets a saree guard. 🤷


Bluetooth is supposed to be an OTA feature. The hardware is already built-in. So it should enable after one of the updates…

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There’s no subscription required to use Bluetooth. This has been clarified previously.

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That’s what every Ather 450x owner is eagerly waiting for - Hardware implemented in Vehicle an Year Ago b4 COVID - But Software Update is yet to be Rolled out -

My Query is - When will we get this update …?

We all are paying subscription Charges without Bluetooth Feature’s

Will those Features rolled on Feb as Promised…?

Ather is Just Expanding Business in all cities with the prototype - Rather than Getting the Current product Stable & Resolving Softwares Glitches

Yes everyone has this question as we paid for the vehicle because it has this as one of the features.

But for below statement

The answer is just above your post

For bluetooth subscription is not required and also for critical and major OTA updates subscription is not required. This is clear from Ather’s side.

Do any of you hear Noise from front and back suspension after hard braking ?

I have 3 particular doubts/questions about the aether 450+ which I recently purchased.

  1. Is it safe to change the mode whilst driving ? As in when I’m on a steep surfaces I change eco mode to ride mode to get some acceleration
  2. There’s an unusual sound at the front-end when I slow down the vehicle
  3. Can we change the map view to satellite or street view on aether app/dashboard?