Updates and new features

No. It didn’t. May need @ather.team’s assistance.

My usage with full throttle in eco mode for more than 10kms gave me 29wh/km…

Estimated range was 82kms


Eco mode is definitely not for Banashankari 2 and 3rd stage. Too sluggish. It will work on flatter terrains.

Being used to S/R modes one needs a lot of patience to use the E mode. Not to mention that overtaking vehicles moving at 25kmph is a task.

On a separate note, why do we need different range predictions for different modes? Can’t we just have one number that is based on ones riding style? It could just be based on the average WH from the past and the current instantaneous consumption. I mean most cars that have different modes don’t come with different predicted ranges. They just adjust to the current driving style and project a range.

Would that not make interpreting this simpler?


Still no eco.:rofl::rofl:.
It’s been a day I am not interested to turn to eco mode…

I too stay in BSK 2 Stage, for the first 900 km never used sports mode. Later never switched to ride mode. I find sports mode more smooth, comfortable and efficient in an inclined roads. I’m able to get more range in sports mode than ride mode. I may not be using eco and ride mode,very much happy routh sports mode.

I will use eco mode during parking, assuming it may consume less battery.


Eco mode is very sluggish. When stuck in traffic it will be useful. After update sports mode has become very responsive

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The Next OTA update is out. Yesterday I got the OTA update with Eco mode enabled.
Today i have driven fully in ECO mode and i got the same experience it had during the test ride @ the 3rd Owners meet.
For some reason the predication got reset for both Ride and Sports mode in the App.
Overall Eco mode ride was a good experience with an Top speed of 40-42 kms and you have to open the full throttle. You will start to get pain the wrist after some time.


I guess predicted range for all the mode are reset to 55, 65 and 75.

Knowing how long I had to wait for the previous OTA to download, this time, I spent quite some time outside in the good network area… But, even after an hour, nothing happened…

Again, morning I was driving to office where the network was good… Midway, I noticed the Orange Dot indicating the update is downloaded. :slight_smile:

After reaching office, I could not install because it requires the vehicle to be connected to the pod. So, as usual I shut down the vehicle.

Evening, I turned the vehicle ON only to realise the the download is VANISHED. I did not realise the downloaded OTA is not stored :frowning:

@Ather.Team please confirm if this was intended behaviour… If so, please please fix it.

Again, evening did some more circus of driving thru good network area and luckily got the update downloaded again…


Does it mean its has to be connected to or charging for OTA to be installed? First time for me - its not shown up on dashboard yet. No orange dot.

Too bad you have to roam around so much for an ota update. If only it had a Bluetooth or wifi module, you wouldn’t have to fish for good cellular network.

@Ather.Team Looking at above issues, wont it be better, if wifi connectivity is provided to the scooter? Many of us have wifi at home and easily download OTA, whenever notified. Will make users less dependent on mobile networks. It will also reduce burden on you as far as data consumption over mobile network is concerned.

I didn’t intend this thread to become a topic about the OTA download issue. My intention was Ather should improve this as it was promised during 2nd owners meet.

@Ather.Team can check how they can improve the OTA with the current hardware limitations…

My thoughts:

  1. Break the download into small parts and resume
  2. Store internally during shutdown
  3. When download is in progress, show it in dashboard about the status of download.
  4. Give an option to user to retry or initiate download e.g “Check for update”
  5. When user doesn’t shutdown and if download is in progress, continue download without putting the system to sleep after usual 7 minutes.

Whatever mode we select at last 10km it was switching to ride mode, now what’s the mode it switch to is it ride or eco?? Anyone checked ??

In sport mode ather claims 55km but what about last 10km ? It will be ride mode only.(before update)
That means sport mode only have 45km range ??


My understanding:
Sports mode will have 55 km range if run in sports mode from 100-0.

For giving higher range and to preserve battery health, if it’s switched to Ride / Eco mode for the final 10%, then ideally you are running in sports mode from 100-10 with 49.5 km range. The remaining 10% battery gives you 6.5/7.5 km range on Ride/Eco mode respectively.

Okay this isn’t working for me. I can’t check the SoC on my app anymore. My rides sync up but while charging no progres. Could someone provide a solution ?


This just happened. Got an estimated range of 119 Kms and I can’t believe it.


charging progress was not updating for me as well. I did a vehicle shutdown and start, then it started updating status while charging in progress

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What kind of roads were these and what speed did you maintain?

Got the OTA update 2 days back , installed it and these are my observations and feedback.

1- The Fan keeps kicking in often with even slight twist of throttle (even while starting the vehicle in the morning riding for about 100 mts , which never happened on the previous version of firmware.
2-Eco-Mode is very sluggish , person riding who is less than 50kilos may find it better but for people above 50 kilos will never use this mode except when they are running out of battery , pickup is like any other low cost EV available in the market (few of them which I have ridden are , tunwal, okinawa, yo bike, oreva ).Max speed it allows to go is about 29-30 kms based on my testing at location where I stay on normal roads .
Use this mode if you want to have a feel of how a low cost EV feels like.
I would rather prefer not having the Eco mode at all.
Ride mode and Sports mode are best for Bangalore roads.