Riding experience: after 3 month of ownership


It’s been an exhilarating journey since the day I brought home my Ather electric scooter. The anticipation of owning an eco-friendly and technologically advanced vehicle had me excited, and now, three months into the ownership, I can confidently say that the experience has exceeded my expectations.

Riding Dynamics:

The riding experience on the Ather is something that words can hardly do justice. The instant torque delivered by the electric motor provides a zippy acceleration that makes city commuting an absolute delight. Navigating through traffic has become a breeze, thanks to the scooter’s nimble handling and responsive brakes. The ride quality is surprisingly smooth, with the suspension handling bumps and uneven roads adeptly.

The dashboard is a work of art, with a crisp touchscreen that provides a plethora of information at a glance. Real-time battery status, range estimation, navigation, and even weather updates are just a few taps away. The integration of smartphone connectivity allows for remote monitoring, software updates, and even personalized ride settings. This level of connectivity has seamlessly blended into my daily routine.

Range and Charging:

The apprehension about electric vehicle range was swiftly put to rest after the first few weeks of ownership. Ather’s claimed range is well within reach in real-world scenarios, allowing me to comfortably cover my daily commutes without any range anxiety. Charging the scooter is a breeze too. The home charging point provided by Ather ensured that I start each day with a fully charged battery, and I’ve also utilized public charging stations during longer rides.

First service:

Today’s Ride Stats & Images:

Before and after first service.


After 50% rain started pouring, I had to change sport mode so i can reach my destination quicker.


My Ather riding experience over the past three months has been nothing short of fantastic. This electric scooter has seamlessly integrated into my daily routine, providing not just an eco-friendly solution to commuting but also a technological marvel that never ceases to amaze. The zippy performance, range, and the convenience of home charging have truly transformed the way I move around the city. As I look forward to many more months of ownership, I’m excited about the possibilities that electric mobility brings to the table. If you’re considering a shift to electric, Ather is a brand that’s sure to redefine your riding experience.

Disclaimer:This blog post is based on my personal experience and opinions, and individual experiences may vary.


Such a detailed analysis it’s crazy it’s possible to achieve this