Ownership Experience

Nice :slight_smile:

Good, But better to engrave names like Michael Faraday, James Maxwell, Nikola Tesla, We need to be always thankful to those people for their contribution to the field of Electromagnetism, I think Ather 450 can be the only vehicle as of now for us Indians, which has the eligibility to carry such scientists name on it proudly.


Sure broā€¦

6days, 400 KMā€™s already done



I took the delivery of Ather 450 few weeks back and have been facing a peculiar problem wherein the Fan (Seems to be the cooler) is switching on frequently and makes a weird noise (very annoying). This is apart from the Belt noise which is usual. I didnt see this FAN noise in Test Ride vehicle and was told that Fan will kick only when the Motor is heated up (probably due to excess ride or speeding), but for me, itā€™s happening continuously even after riding 100 meter with a speed of 20KM/hr.

I am now told that, this FAN noise is common and every vehicle has this noise. Can anyone confirm if other Ather 450 owners are also experiencing this FAN noise all day (on and off)?

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Yes but it turns on only when the motor runs hot. It does not always stay on.


Thanks Samit but for me, its always. e.g. I start the vehicle in the morning, ride probably 100 - 200 meters, and this noise kicks in and will be on& off throughout my journey. If it happens after riding long or ride fast, I understand but this one is very frequent.

When I called the Customer care, they told itā€™s common which I wasnā€™t certainly happy so they took my vehicle and now, I am told that there is no issue and all owners face same Noise which is surprising. To reiterateā€¦ as per Customer Careā€¦ this noise can kick in any point of time and an Ather Owner need to Live with this noise which I am not happy aboutā€¦

Okay there are two fans I believe. One for the motor and one for the battery pack. @Shreyas can correct me if I am wrong here. One fan does turn on (high freq noise) when you cross a certain motor RPM and shuts off only when you come below that threshold. The second one however is much louder and is heard when you can tell the motor/battery pack is running hot and I usually try to kill it if it becomes too annoying by killing the motor with the disengage motor switch.

So it is probably the first one which you are talking about. This fan noise was also present on the test ride scooters, so it was not new to me.

There is also the possibility that you may be talking about the belt drive which has a unique sound signature of its own(as @Abhishek got inspired by it and coined the term flight for the Ather 450). That was also there on the test ride scooters, albeit might be more pronounced on your scooter as it is brand new.

PS: It could be the same fan running at different speeds though for the two scenarios.


I am not an expert but I believe, this is the second one which is kicked in when the Motor/Battery pack is running hot. The noise is very high and it keeps getting on and off all throughout my ride.

I am fine with the signature belt sound and started to liking it but the other is not good. My personal view is that, the issue is not with the Fan but with the motorā€¦ I think, my motor is getting heated sooner than expected and once that happen the FAN is trying to cool it down. Letā€™s see what steps they take from here!

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4hours to 1 week.

500kmā€™s mark crossed


There are two fans one for the motor and other is for the on board charger. There is no fan for battery. Charger fan kicks in only while charging your scooter to cool down charger. For me, when i start journey in morning, motor fan kicks in after 3-4 km of driving with a speed of around 40-45 km/ hr. After this its the same experience as yours.

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Same with me ā€¦after reading the post I tried to listen for the fan soundā€¦after riding 3-4km at around 40ā€™s fan kicked inā€¦sound is only distingtly noticable when I stop the vehicle in signalā€¦that too after a few seconds of stop the fan is stopping or going to low speedā€¦not much a concern from me neitherā€¦


The honeymoon period with the scooter is over for me and the reality has hit. There are a few things that are irritating me to no end

  • the constant mental cycles we have to consume ensuring that the scooter is charged sufficiently
  • the atrocious design of the side stand, it is a constant game of gymnastics to ensure I can wiggle out of my space after parking it. Sometimes I just donā€™t bother and lean it against the wall ( thereā€™s no space for it to fall luckily)
  • size and seat position which is not at all comfortable. I wouldā€™ve preferred a slightly larger scooter

This is our 6th scooter over the last 30 years (since the original kinetic Honda). For me, scooters are nothing more than a tool And the time that I think most about them is if I have misplaced the key somewhere. Otherwise, it is just a continuous ride-park-ride repeat sequence. The Ather does not fit into that model.

Of course, the positives are still there, the performance, cost of operation. Given the terms of the lease, it doesnā€™t make sense to terminate it early, so Iā€™ll probably run it out before I return it. But I can easily see myself buying a petrol engine scooter in a few months and using this just as a local runabout.


@Shreyas Couple of observations on performance, and seeking ways to optimize this. For a total ride of 686 kms, I consumed 41.1 units in all, which results in about 39 paise/km. This number was a bit of a surprise as I was expecting a much lower number ( sub 30 paise ). So I looked back at the reasons why this is the way it is and how it could be improved.

(1) Donā€™t use sports mode and ride gently, hard to quantify. The wh/km is very traffic and road dependent and its hopeless to optimize it, and I doubt I can ever achieve something as low as 30-32 on a regular basis without the yet unreleased Eco mode.
(2) Shutdown the scooter to avoid overhead, Iā€™ve seen as much as 4-6 kms lost on a daily basis on some days when the scooter is idle for an average ride of about 19kms/day. This seems to be the single biggest low hanging fruit, to improve the cost by a factor of more than 10-15% easily. Let me know if others have observed the same.
(3) Try to ride in a fashion that minimizes the fan noise. Yes, unless we have statisitics on how much overhead the fan consumes, we will worry about the potential energy wastage. I have seen the fan come on a lot of times whenever I go over a speed breaker and try to accelerate.

We are missing stats and data for (2) and (3). Hope Ather team can calculate and provide those in the app. If not a raw dump where we can analyze this sort of data can also suffice and I can code up something based off that.

While this might seem like penny pinching( and it is ), in my experience these small things and the behavior changing it introduces add up over time. And if there are hard numbers I can provide while arguing pro-EV so much the better.


770km in 24.33units = 20.5 paise per km :thinking:

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I think @Abhishek would be the best person to give a feedback on the unit usage! Waiting for his reply.


No heā€™s not the best person for this because he has charged too much outside of his home


Okā€¦ in that case mine also will not a be a correct countā€¦only 25th i got the home charger installedā€¦and started using it from 28thā€¦before that i charged either from fast chargers or stolen from Ather parking lot :see_no_evil:

Anywhere he chargedā€¦ they will reimburse units consumed. Other than ather public chargingā€¦


Below is a question in FAQ. Itā€™s loud and clear

What happens if I take my vehicle outside the city during the period that I have paid for a subscription plan?

Letā€™s call that out loud and clear ā€“ itā€™s a risk. Our services are currently not available beyond the serviceable area of Bengaluru. We would be unable to provide services such as roadside assistance, charging cost reimbursement and wonā€™t be able to assure the usability of features such as onboard navigation, if your vehicle beyond our reach. Even when your vehicle is covered under one of our subscription plans.