Ownership Experience

I waited for like 3 and a half months and in the first month itself if one notices so many problems wont anyone feel disappointed

I completely understand that you feel disapointed.
Have they picked up your scooter for service ?

Yes they picked it up today morning itself

Even I faced the paint thing. On the day of delivery itself, my side stand had scraped off. I just ignored it

Not only the paint thing so many things like the quality of the plastic parts and the motor cuts off at high speed and the dashboard also freezes at high speed


Strange, I ride at high speeds regularly didnā€™t get this problem. Top speed I reached was 93kmph but motor response is very low at these speeds. Dashboard freeze issue should go off after resetting. Motor turning off might be firmware bug. Hope it gets resolved soon


I gave my vehicle for service day before yesterday and i got that day itself and my vehicle is going for service once again day after tomorrow.
This is absolutely ridiculous
@abhishek.balaji i dont know what is this
Does the ather team take it as a joke or what??

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Hey everyone
@abhishek.balaji @tarun
So it has been 20 days since I have bought my scooter and it has gone for service 3 times and I am extremely disappointed with @Ather.Team
I hope @tarun is reading this message carefully
I sent the scooter for the first service in first 10 days the scooter arrived I am so disappointed with the @Ather.Team
the service manager told that he has personally check the scooter and there are no issues found on the scooter I donā€™t know what the hell have they done
the scooter came back on the same day and I noticed that there are so many scratches on the scooter like done during the service
So the scooter was taken for service and they told me that they have changed the parts which has scratches which was basically the headstock cover and the ather branding sticker which had a scratch
Today I was going to Koramangala and at a speed of 72-75 and I faced an issue of motor cutoff the second time
I am regretting buying this scooter now
@tarun i hope you are reading this message carefully.


Motor cutting off in between traffic is fatal. I suggest you stop using the scooter until it is completely resolved or try to be on slow speeds until then.
I really feel your disappointment, but such cases for Ather are like 1 in 100 maybe, not sure !
@Ather.Team We request you to please look into such matters on priority, as its a new vehicle for him and no one wants to own a vehicle with these many problems.


It has been such a bad experience with @Ather.Team
No customer would want such kind off a faulty scooter

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I want to know, what are the disadvantages, if I do a dashboard reset. By pushing 2 brakes + power switch?

I never used to shutdown my vehicle. Hence at least once in a month, I see dashboard slowness , now today I saw indicators switch function problems. Etc.

But when I did a dashboard reset , everything comes back to normal.

Any advice here ?

The cntrl+alt+del of Ather which is the 2 brakes + Power has no disadvantages as such. Frequent shutting down at high SOC has reported/proven issues but nothing of that sorts for the 2brakes+power are known/reported.

Whenever you face any glitch, the 2brakes+power combo is like the first aid. A shut-down and restart is the next level of self remedy. For problems that remain even after that, we have to call the doctors errā€¦customer service number!


@Ather.Team pls let know if there has been a reduction n in power output in sports modeā€¦ it doesnā€™t feel that punchy and itā€™s kinda embarrassing when we test its power with other vehicles nowā€¦


I noticed this earlier. But now Iā€™m wondering if the power delivery has just been made smoother in an earlier OTA, instead of it being a jerk during a hard throttle. So we might be feeling like it isnā€™t punchy but itā€™s probably just made smoother.

Maybe someone should test if the 3.9seconds to 40kmph still holds true :smile:


Even I noticed that jerk during a hard throttle. It does not appear on slow opening of the throttle. Also, it goes away once the bike crosses 20kmph even on really hard throttling.

Not sure if itā€™s by design or a fault. Iā€™ll wait for the bike to cross 1000 kms.

Really? Riding for 6k Kms, I feel like theyā€™ve smoothened that jerkā€¦ Used to feel the jerk even when accelerating from 20 - 60, which was fun and keeps you on edge when you hit speeds like 60 or 70 really soon. Maybe theyā€™ve smoothened that. I havenā€™t noticed the jerk from 0 though.


Thatā€™s just the shear torque of the scooter. Comparitively(to other EVs) I think the Ather power delivery is quite smooth.

I donā€™t think that will depend on your ODO reading.

I think that might be it. Might be the reason so many of us are feeling the same way about the Sports mode performance after the last OTA.

I definitely feel itā€™s less now

Hello Fellow owners,

As some people have addressed already, I am witnessing significant reduction in sports mode torque. Initially it would kick in at around 10kmph and it was very useful in traffic.
Today I couldnā€™t overtake an Auto rickshaw as the torque delivery has become a lot more linear.

I am not sure when it started happening, but it is significant ! @abhishek.balaji any updates on this ?


Since Abhishek Balaji is traveling, let me just take this up. There is no reason for this to happen fundamentally. At this time, it seems like it might be specific to a few folks. Have you already raised this with customer service? Please do that, if you havenā€™t done it yet and the service team should be able to check it out. I will also find out more in the back end.
