On Road Experience

A post was merged into an existing topic: Sharing portable charger

Saaar darshini coffee >>>> Starbucks/ccd/barista


Sure will…!!

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There was a time when I was single, and I use to roam around Ather house to get glimpse of bike which was not possible……. :grin:

If Ather would have launched the bike 2 years earlier I would have joined you in all your rides…… :motor_scooter:

You get married Bro you will get busier……. Family responsibility… :joy:

I will finish all the things and come then will join you…. :grinning:


Chetan saaar, age is just a number. Nothing can stop you. You might be in your 30s or 40s or even 50s but the enthusiasm will still make you feel young.


Bro. i guess i am not married enough. @chethan.bn @Abhishek @ayanahmedhussain… would love to join you on a ride :slight_smile:


Guess Divyasree Tech park has a new showstopper at the gate when people are stuck in traffic!!!



will plan on Sunday morning

if everyone is ok


just done long ride

includes multiple stops due to train and traffic

while returning



@AnaghDeshpande Brilliant words saar Thank you… :grinning:

when you are single the freedom of decision making will be random you need not have to think of anything. That’s what I miss a lot.

you are right I am between 30s and 40s… :grinning:

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Great guys loved to join you guys on ride. we will plan and go.

@Abhishek dada Sunday will be too early man… (sorry again).

All phases of life saaar. Enjoy it to the fullest. :slight_smile:

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This route?
Or Nandi Hills?

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Cafe 11 Katriguppe ,ringroad ,public charging grid is not working about 10 days @Shreyas

Road for the first time a distance of around 24 km after the Home charging point was fixed today(28/6/2018) it was nice and the belt noise and Fan noise became smooth after few kms of usage.
The only feeling was the scooter was slow in going from 0 to a reasonable speed in ride mode when coming out of halt

True, 0-30 is slow… Once you are stable at 40s, throttle gives you extra kick for overtakes…

Is predicted range displayed on mobile app is locked temporarily by current vehicle dashboard range set??? ( Ride Mode - 65KM and Sport Mode - 55KM )
Because I travelled 61 km on road and battery reduced to 10% and displayed 5KM remaining with speed reduced to 25-30 KM.

Predicted range : on dashboard

Dashboard range after I finish 61km

Anybody facing sudden stoppage and throttle not working for few seconds during signal stoppage .
Faced this today multiple times.

This was discussed in past 2 weeks by some of the users.

What was the outcome of the discussion , any idea …