June in numbers

Hey folks! We’re back with the stats for June after a hiatus.

All time distance covered by Ather 450s on the road: 11,290,479+ kms


Longest travel in a single charge: 73.6 km with only 66% used!

Average speed: 18 kmph :flight_departure:

Average daily distance: 7.9 km

Cumulative Odo reading: 1,159,523+ km :star_struck:


Longest travel in a single charge: 109 km using 85% of the charge!

Average speed: 16.9 kmph

Average daily distance: 11.2 km

Cumulative Odo reading: 10,130,956+ kms :star_struck:


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ask an Ather Owner!

Last year first time after 3 months lockdown when i got e pass i have taken it to hometown. Actually travelled 90+kms with 8% charge left. But stopped ride in between to get ride stats

Also why this cumulative stats are not being announced now? Bring it back

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