Introducing Series 1 - the Ather 450X Collector's edition

Exactly. It up to individual preferences. Let’s be honest, the 450x isn’t going to beat an ICE scooter in TCO over a 3 or 5 year period.

Thinking you will save money on petrol by buying the 450x may not be the right point to start rationalising the purchase.


If your are looking for break over price, then 450 is a choice. If that does not suffice, then you’ll have to look elsewhere.


Yeah - Before launch - I expected more perks for Series 1 pre-orders

Confession of my expectation that time: Super attractive upgrade plans for existing 450 owners + 1 Year Ather One

But, since 450X launch Ather has been vocal about minimizing the loss and setting the expectations lower in freebies and subidized prices.

Moreover, for pre-orders, Ather chose to reward the pre-order customers by giving a unique version by spending it on R&D, design and manufacturing cost of the Series 1 which is not quantfiable for us, but it would have costed significant cost for sure.

But, let us say for people who did not like OR care about Collector’s edition, then a free t-shirt and 2 free services looks minuscule for a pre-order :smiley:


Few months back due to pandemic I started cycling. We have a small cycling group in my community. When I was looking for good MTB, it was costing me ~18K. after exploring all the options I went ahead buying a electric cycle for 33K. I had option of Hero electric cycle for 22K, but still I preferred etron+. This has a detachable battery with a range of 60KM without paddle assist. I squeezy about 100KM with paddle assist mode on single charge.

I am in same juncture now need a scooter/bike for home purpose. I pre-booked Ather back in Jan with a sense of going with Subscription model. Now with Series 1 there is no such option.


Ahaa. So would I be correct in stating that you are now constrained due to the lack of a suitable financing option?


Could you please tell me where you found the Q&A video? Only the unveil part of the event is published by Ather (duration of 15:11) which doesn’t have the Q&A session. If you’ve recorded it please give me a link and can point out the exact time Tarun told that they’d keep enough spares incase a replacement is needed due to accidental damage.


Truely said if one have to compare the savings on fuel then it has to be done with the performance bikes out there in the market. Because Ather is not just an EV its an experience you get. Considering range and savings might not be the right way to evaluate cost of Ather. Compare the performance also. I definitely argue that 85km range with such performance is a very best in the market. Other EVs out there as the charge drops performance also drops. Example it wont perform the same in pickup and speed same at 100%, 80%, 50% they vary a lot but ather performs very much similar at all this levels. Being said that it is upto individual perspective to take a call. I say it like buying a phone one had to take a call weather they want apple eco system or samsung eco system or oneplus or MI. :thinking: all are smart phones but experience, quality & security varies. same spec of 12MP camera in all but the output speaks.


You can pick any other colour you want and go with it. You’ll get the 1 year of free servicing as well with other colours.


This is the whole unveil video

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These are still indicative, the final price you pay will be what you see on your invoice when you purchase it from our dealer in Mumbai. It varies from state to state depending on the road tax, RTO fees, subsidy etc. We’ll make the breakup and final amount available on the website as well before deliveries begin.


I may buy upfront if no other option given, but I don’t want to regret after investing of 1.75L.

You will have the lease and loan option as well before deliveries begin. So you can make your choice after looking at the plans.

Just to clarify, Series 1 is the only limited edition for the Ather 450X. I guess Ravneet’s joke didn’t land cos of the mask. There is no Series 2 or 3 planned for the Ather 450X.


Lease or loan are not viable options. Ending up paying more in interest for nothing at all doesn’t make sense. Subscription option is any day better. Please plan for getting the battery subscription option back.


Not to offend any one. Sharing my observation and it looked funny…

For months we saw lot of backlash on how poor and expensive the subscriptions are… And, it is not useful for most people… etc etc

Now that subscription option is not available initially, it looks as if the subscription was the most attractive option which disappeared :smiley:


No offense taken!! :wink:

So far the subscription was more for features (Data/Service/Grid charging). Not sure if there was a battery subscription option for 450. Being a first time buyer, it makes more sense than investing 1.7+L upfront.

450 users may not have found that a viable option as they would have paid the price of the vehicle upfront and only looking for subscribing for features.

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I guess someone might have already asked this, will there be a matching color scheme for DOT along with Series 1 or just a standard grey Ather Dot?


Prasath was talking about the Battery subscription plan that was announced during the launch in January.

Ather took quite a beating because of a communication snafu (Tarun alluded to it as the 5year penance during the CE Q&A event), so it’s ironic that another set of folks are beating up Ather cos it’s not available for Series 1.


@abhishek.balaji Can I complete my series 1 payment and get it delivered after you guys make battery subscription available? Please answer this, I and a few others have asked many times here and haven’t gotten a reply to this question.

Is it that the battery subscription isn’t available yet or that series 1 can not get battery subscription?