Green Initiatives

Actually this is quite an old shop. I remember I shopped here 7-8 yrs ago. Awesome you guys were able to make it. :smiley::+1:t2:


we already have a plan for that

just yet to finalize the date and infra checks need to be done

this is going to be a weekend drive, also may have to stay overnight at Mysore!


tentatively @pkg7723 are already in

shared this plan with few during owners meet, some of them are curious

let me know if you are interested


I have been to their open forums before. Though packed, it will be very informative and eye-openers. If interested…


Started offering ride sharing on my 450 via Quick Ride . The way i see it, there are a few benefits:-

  1. One less polluter on the road.
  2. Share prices are tailored for fuel vehicles. You earn quite a bit more than you spend on charging.
  3. People are likely to get interested in knowing more abt the 450 the moment they get on it. You basically share expenses and promote the vehicle at the same time :slight_smile:

What do y’all think? If anyone else is interested in becoming a part of this experiment, can provide a referral for Quick Ride :slight_smile:


I tried for 2 weeks and stopped after that

  1. You need to carry extra helmet as almost no one carries.
  2. Very limited interest for 2 wheeler compared to cars.
  3. Even if you are ready to sacrifice your 10-15 minutes of time, either no booking came or cancelled last minute.

Planning to try again once more.


Yeah 2 wheeler doesnt get the same interest as 4W. But ppl seem interested if it is short rides. I have got 2 pillions so far in the last couple of weeks. Its not a lot but its a start :slight_smile:


Anyone else joining the climate strikes this week…? It’s happening pan India!

Climate change strike: Millions of young people, led by Sweden’s Greta Thunberg, to strike for climate action:


I am going today, it’s at 5:00 PM and tomorrow morning is a lake cleaning drive in the morning.


Superb man…! I have registered for next Friday and am currently checking the weekend events… Though I do wish I could have joined today eve - needed to plan it sooner to get away from work.

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no worries! we can discuss more if you are coming for the breakfast meet

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Oh wow, you took part as well??:slightly_smiling_face:

check this out… interesting

Swasthik Padma an 18 year old prodigy from a small town in Karnataka,India finds solutions to modern day problems like plastic waste management and water scarcity by thinking out of the box.He shares his journey from making tools for farmers as a child to getting a planet named after him by MIT as a teenager. “An innovator this century needs.” Swasthik Padma is a 19 year old prodigy, a jewel of our country. His young mind seeks to find simple solutions to gross international problems like the enormous amount of plastic waste and attempt to desalinate seawater and he has been successful in this endeavour. The fact that a minor planet has been named after him speaks volumes in itself about the brilliance of this child wizard. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at



there’s huge crowd

please give missed call on below number

08061930288 - u will get some link to what’s app

crowd with enthusiasm

sorry about audio



Thanks a lot for the pics man, it’s heartening to see a decent crowd show up for the protests… :slightly_smiling_face: Am Definitely gonna make it to the next one!

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Thanks for the pics, would have loved to make it for sure if not my travel. Lets all go as a group next time if possible.

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this Friday for sure

i think @arvind_nair is also interested,

so, may be he will join