Getting below average range for my new ather 450x

This information is not really emphasized in the official reviews or the website, i got this info from fellow riders and small youtubers.

You probably need to read this thread…

We (Gen 2 folk) get 100 km practical range in :zap:.


This is confirmed by Ather Support/Service team that there is a bug for Gen3 vehicles, it shows range of Gen2 in some instances. Nothing to do with my ride pattern or anything else. There will soon (supposedly) be an OTA upgrade to fix this!

This is confirmed by Ather Support/Service team that there is a bug for Gen3 vehicles, it shows range of Gen2 in some instances. Nothing to do with my ride pattern or anything else. There will soon (supposedly) be an OTA upgrade to fix this!


Even I faced this issue , but after shutdown and restart again it got ressolved

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I have not recieved my new Ather 450x gen 3 model yet… registration is done… but I downloaded Ather app and checked it is showing 85km range instead of 105km range… is it a problem

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The vehicle usually will be in Ride mode if you change to eco it’ll show 105Kms…Everyone please check the mode before asking this question :blush:


There was no mention of mode in the app so I asked

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