Getting below average range for my new ather 450x

I usually get 65 to 75 in sports mode 100 to 10%


I am doing a long run tomorrow. Let me see how far I can go from 100% single digits probably.

So this is it. Took a quick ride with @aajithms and @iamhibath today to cherai beach. Kept at around 35-45 kmph all the way. The speeds shown below are slower because we stopped for calls as well as stopped for locating a house for charging the other scooters.

Mine was run on a single charge and km covered equals as much charge% drained. This includes a few quick accelerations to avoid traffic as well as a 3 km test drive in warp mode (half my usual efficiency). The last run was a “stroll” with my kids in ride mode.

Rider wt= 73 kg (+30kg on tge one in Ride mode)

I have to stop with this and charge because I need to go long with my family over the evening.


@atherenergy today i started my journey with 99% back-up and surprisingly ijust got around 55km with left of 15% around and most of the ride in R" Mode only… Disappointed with the back-up.


Don’t use eco mode for more range. Use ride mode and drive it with constant speed


I would agree… It takes some time to get used to the EV bike and once u cross 1000kms…u will have enough skill to gradually open the throttle to maximize the range… RIDE mode is just enough to get even 85kms on a single charge and normal ride maintaining 45kms/hr speed


Hi Abhishek. I also have similar issue, I am getting 83km range (showing on dashboard) with full charge (99%) on my 450X Gen 3.

Is there a way to check what’s the problem (with battery/dashboard/OS)?

The vehicle would be in Ride mode change it to Eco mode…The vehicle by default will start in Ride mode so try changing to Eco mode and check the range…

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The range shown on your dash is not the actual possible range but actually the estimated range based on how you have been driving so far, so if you ride better it will show u more range eventually, but you can reset the Ather to get the stock values as it forgets ur riding pattern when you reset. So there is no change in range when it shows you less, its just more accurate based on ur riding pattern

It shows that in Eco mode. Ride & sport shows even lesser.

It has been 2 weeks since my purchase, my ride pattern is quite moderate, more than 85-90% of the time in Eco mode. How do we reset, would like to try out & see if that’s really the case.

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If I’m not wrong it’s : Press and hold ‘Rear Brake + Front Brake + Start Button’ - all together for Hard Reset

Also remember that, riding at the max speed of your ride mode will give you less range, for example , riding at 45 in ride or sport mode gives way more range then 45 in eco mode.


Absolutely :100:…You should change the modes according to your speeds even though the vehicle can go up to 52Kmph in Eco mode it will start straining the battery and more power will be consumed instead of you change to the following modes the power delivery will be smoothe and it’ll give more milleage than any other mode…


This information is not really emphasized in the official reviews or the website, i got this info from fellow riders and small youtubers.

You probably need to read this thread…

We (Gen 2 folk) get 100 km practical range in :zap:.


This is confirmed by Ather Support/Service team that there is a bug for Gen3 vehicles, it shows range of Gen2 in some instances. Nothing to do with my ride pattern or anything else. There will soon (supposedly) be an OTA upgrade to fix this!

This is confirmed by Ather Support/Service team that there is a bug for Gen3 vehicles, it shows range of Gen2 in some instances. Nothing to do with my ride pattern or anything else. There will soon (supposedly) be an OTA upgrade to fix this!


Even I faced this issue , but after shutdown and restart again it got ressolved

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I have not recieved my new Ather 450x gen 3 model yet… registration is done… but I downloaded Ather app and checked it is showing 85km range instead of 105km range… is it a problem

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The vehicle usually will be in Ride mode if you change to eco it’ll show 105Kms…Everyone please check the mode before asking this question :blush:


There was no mention of mode in the app so I asked

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