FAME Subsidy

@Ather.Team @abhishek.balaji Is person who got FAME -1 subsidy for scooter is eligible for FAME 2 Subsidy for scooter?


what is this exactly?? This subsidy goes to ather directly and they reduce the cost or we have to apply for the same and get back the amount?

No. You are eligible for an EV subsidy once per 2w and once per 4w purchase. The subsidy is linked to your Aadhar card and hence easily traceable for any misuse.


It goes to Ather and they sell the vehicle taking the subsidy into account. You need not apply and get back that amount. you’ll however need to sign a document for that. You’ll also have ot submit an Aadhar card as subsidy is linked to Aadhar

Although this is a Gimmick, the subsidies will eventually go once Electric vehicles become the majority (of sales) in future. Subsidy is a catalyst for faster adoption and to set off the initial high cost of any new product.

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@Ather.Team, i have not used my subsidy even once but does 450x gets the eligibility ? Either for this reason, u should bring the vehicle under 1.5L.

Ather team have told multiple times now that the 450x will be eligible for FAME 2 subsidy. in FAQs, in Individual questions, in Open houses! The vehicle OTR prices shown includes the subsidy of ₹29000. The price of the vehicle eligible for the FAME subsidy (without home charger) is less than 1.5L and 450x owners will get subsidy

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This is snapshot of FAQ page of fame India website.They are mentioning that fame can be availed multiple times for single person.Do you havr any further details on the same?


@abhishek.balaji Do you or anybody have answer for my question reg Fame subsidy.

Source? Could you link the document here? This looks like the FAME 1 FAQ, which expired in March 2017.

I heard there’s serparate subsidy for state too, in my case will i get additional subsidy from MAHARASHTRA GOVT?

FAME subsidy is uniform across the country. Others like registration benefits, tax waivers are state specific



Also the same is available in FAQ page of website.Link given

That’s FAME 1 :slight_smile:

check this, point 2.12

Whether i can give Aadhaar no of another person(who hasn’t availed FAME subsidy) and get the vehicle registered in my name? Is it possible abhishek?

You do understand what you are proposing is attempting to bypass a policy provision that was meant to ensure that subsidies are not misused.

You may be right.But what i asked is a doubt that whether name given for fame subsidy and reg can be different.if it is possible, then the transfer of ownership from my relative name to my name can be avoided at later stage.

Why don’t you just use your Aadhar#?

Already availed earlier when i purchased EV in 2017.

Was there FAME2 in 2017? I believe it was mandated to use Aadhar only after that. Not sure…

Just wondering on Subsidy… Is it once in life time? How about if I sell present EV and buy another? What proof I need to submit? These questions are generic and probably someone can answer.


I have pre-booked 450x on 27 Jan 2020 for Ahmedabad and also eligible for series1 for which my payment window will be opening by 31 Oct.

My question is for availing subsidy in terms of FAME policy of govt.

Can you throw some light if i can benefit out of the subsidy policy of Gujarat or India either way ?

