Deliveries: Bengaluru

Correct. The throttle will not move in the reverse direction if both conditions are not met.

Funny thing, I subconsciously do the reverse twist when I take the activa for a drive!.

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Simply concept …If you r rotating motor …it will produce current …if you r giving current …motor will rotate …

So when you r not giving throttle …due to vehicle speed motor will rotate and will produce current …this current will charge battery …this is called regenerative braking …

It’s not related with disc brake …disc braking won’t create current …

Finally, got to use it but there is no feedback on the throttle (hardly rotates in the negative direction). The slight drop in speed is what made me guess that regen was happening

True. The distance travelled in reverse is very less. However you will feel it most in the 40-50kmph band. You’ll get used to it in a few days.

Pro Tip: Coast and use regen braking as much as safely possible before engaging the brake levers.

Delivery left. The Dot Installation team haven’t called yet.

Dot installed at my home that is in Hassan…!!! Yes delivery is scheduled on Tuesday at last getting it… I am the first person to get Ather product in Hassan district…:pray::pray:


Congratulations! I am also taking delivery in two-three days. First ather bike in Turuvekere taluk


Hey how do you plan on riding it to turvekere ? Grandpa’s home town, so have considered riding it there. But couldn’t find the right charging stop in between

Tomorrow is my payment process completed plan after delivery date

My 450 goes for registration today finally. RTO agent called me on Saturday regarding number requirement. Thanks Ather for the call. :slight_smile:

It did not go for registration on last Thursday (I was told by CC that it has gone on Thursday). Its okay and I do not mind much. :slight_smile:

Ather DOT installed. I am charging my laptop, ipad, music player, powerbank and mobile phone using it. Let me play with it until 450 arrives. :slight_smile:

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Dot installation scheduled on 27th and Delivery on March 1st:)

Payment window opened for my order 300XX. Can anyone let me know the estimated upgrade cost from 450 to 450x?

Around 70k (excluding registration)

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Payment window for my order ID 287XX opened today for 450. I saw payment window for order ID 33XXX also opened for someone.

Seems March will see mass delivery of Ather 450. May be the last batch.

I have made part payment through NEFT, how much time will it take to reflect on the website?

About 30-45 minutes by my experience.

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Okay thanks, then I’ll have to wait.

Yup, this is the least of the waiting. Trust me patience will be required in copious amounts. I’m told it’s worth it. Helps if you’ve got a friend with a 450. I ride my friend’s every time I feel like riding one

Done self installation of the dot after lot of things with Ather Installation, cancellation and opt for self.

The look and feel of the dot is a DOPE Tech :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Finally it’s done, up and working.


I have a feeling, that May will be the last batch…