Ather Halo pre Order delivery status

I ordered Ather Halo at Ather community day 2024, when will it get delivered


Julyy endd


We are supposed to get it by July who knows might get delivered way later


Its July End already!! When are they going to deliver the Halo Helmet??? The Delay is Frustrating!


Very true :sneezing_face:

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First time huhn? :joy::joy:

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Now even August is about to end but still no sight of Halo Helmet!!! :triumph: :rage:

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Hope they start delivering Halo helmets in week or two. They already collected required info like size, color, charging option, address etc.

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2 weeks ago, Ather asked me a few questions about the Halo i pre-ordered . Size, colour, charging preferences, etc etc … hope they will dispatch it soon.

Ather has not provided any further information !

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collected what ? i still havent received a single message

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Oh that’s bad. Many people who prebooked Halo during community day received form to collect details. Below is the confirmation.

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