Ather 450 Gen 1 review - 3yrs 20,000Km

What’s the difference?

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Other than front fork is in white colour i can’t tell any difference also what’s with the dashboard looks like dials


We know they are working on a cheaper Ather 450. Maybe this is it. They obviously need to have a product close to the 1L mark to really hit the masses. The so called 450E or 450Lite was in consideration a few years back right? I hope it does happen the 450 Frame makes for a perfect affordable scooter as well. 2.5kWh battery usable 2.2/2.3 no warp. No touchscreen. No hillhold gizmo just a basic reliable EV


could be that they’re testing the new scooter under the old body panels?

eitherway, i hope visually they look different and you can tell them apart. if there’s such a huge price gap between the two, the premium one should look premium(er):crazy_face:


Current 450x ticks all the boxes and with much better range at 1.15L.

That slow charger plus no access to grid - that is the only and big minus