Adapter for charging

Also @Ather.Team you may want to check the point and advise why this isn’t compatible (may be by contacting the manufacturer over phone)

Also you can check Ather grid possibility as they have lots of parking space even before entering the building

it is exactly opposite to Legacy convention center (which has helipad too…!!1)


Good information abi garu

A post was merged into an existing topic: AtherGrid Locations

I have seen similar system. i am not able to recall where i saw this system.

How it works
we need to enter registered Mobile No. and punch OTP.
it will start charging and tell us how many unit we have consumed via SMS.


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exicom fast charger for verito in my office

money charged is kind of cheap

it makes more noise than our fan despite being so bulky


That’s awesome.
Just Rs 6 for 4 units (KWh)? Most likely for initial trail period only.

Hey did you try using this charger on your ather? It seems these are 8kW DC chargers made for Mahindra electric vehicles. From what I understand Ather DC fast charging works at 2.5kW (@72V need clarification). If these chargers can provide DC at that spec, then it would be ideal. I think Ather team should work with these providers to enable these chargers for Ather scooters as well.

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Ather charging different method (Home charging point, Ather grid and portal charger) via pluginindia YouTube channel.


I am using portable charger to charge the vehicle as I could not get the permission from the apartment to install the charging pod. But for some reason it is not charging from that adapter also.

From 1st floor I am using an extension cord to my parking slot. Adapter light turns green when the switch is on but when connected to the vehicle it turns red.

I have tried the same adapter in the Ather public charging point as suggested by them, it works perfectly. Also it works on some of the sockets in the common area of the apartment.

When I reach out to the Ather support they suggested to get an inspection on the flat for the same. But when I did he says everything is fine. Due to this I am unable to use the vehicle as my primary vehicle for the daily commute.
Dose it works only on AH points ?
I do not have much knowledge on this field.
Did any body faced the similar issues please help me out.

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Hi, Issue is with your ground connection. Do you know what is the voltage between Neutral and Earth points? When this voltage is high then the portable charger LED will glow red.

Oh I see. But my assumption was if the ground connection is not proper it should be the same case across all the sockets in the apartment. But the one in the common area worked fine for me.
I will make the electrician to have an other look at the grounding connections.

Thanks for the replay.

By the way, as per his suggestion connecting to the AH points inside my flat for charging, is it a valid point? I mean it should ideally charge with all the sockets ryt? Any way I will give a try on that also tonight. But it will be very in convenient for me to drive the electricity from that point considering the location of my parking slot.

Your extension chord also must be 3 pin. Either a direct one or one with a spike buster. That’s probably where the grounding is going wrong.


Ideally yes. you are right. But ohmic resistance (impedance) may vary from point to point.

Yes, it should work as 450 needs around 1KW power only.

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Hay, @abhishek.balaji2 thank you so much. The problem was with the extension cord itself. Got one of these below ( which has fuse ) and now it’s charging without any issue. images%20(1)


This is a 2pin without the earth pole. It should ideally not work :smile:

As @abhishek.balaji2 suggested I have used 3 pin adapter with the extension cord. But even with this 3 pin adapter I had tried yesterday and failed to charge. But I didn’t know it’s mandatory though. Good leaning :wink:

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The extension cord has only two pins so it won’t work. Get a extension cord with 3 pin plug and try.

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so do u have any plan/idea you want to share, to improve infra

do you have your own product/device? or is it just an app sharing the charging info - like other apps in the market!

can you please elaborate on above a bit

We plan to leverage the sharing economy to increase the number of charging points. Yes, we are starting with a mobile application. There is a tremendous amount of value that a software solution can bring in for EV owners. Some apps do exist but they do not capture this. You can get an idea of what it would like here

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