450X Collectors Edition - "Series 1"

inb4 illuminati confirmed


Thank god you gave confirmed date, cause i was checking my mail, Google, community, Ather website over and over again if any new development is there. :sweat_smile:

Now I will rest till then

Check your “Promotions” tab in the inbox. Mine was in it


waiting… recieved :smiley: … thanks

Whatever they are, they are going to be my new favourite colors.

It’s rather going to be another sleepless week


:joy: Possibly

Let me know when you are done with sending emails, because I’ve still not received it. Maybe my information isn’t updated in Collector’s Edition Team yet because of order swapping :thinking:

Now that we have some colors from the invite, this image in the Google drive folder shared by @abhishek.balaji keeps coming to mind.

Maybe the battery pack will be exposed by a transparent panel. And the body of the 450X will be in charcoal black.


That’s my dp already

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A transparent panel as a footboard would be a horrible idea as it would get scratched super easy.


Glass is glass, and scratches at a level 6 with deeper grooves at a level 7. :joy: And if its plastic we know what will happen. :rofl:


Those who haven’t pre-ordered the collectors edition but have pre-ordered the 450X, can be part of the unveiling?

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Heard this statement so many times that I could hear the voice in my head as I read it :stuck_out_tongue:


Shadow on the floor says black


Turn the photo upside down - it’s much clearer, black ( any darker shade) + red highlights on the tyres and under seat for sure. Looks like ather label on the side is also in red.

Seems like red front side panels as well but it could be something else - can’t make that one out. This reminds me of aprilla’s black and red edition - highlights all over.

Image for reference:


Lol, this is our erstwhile cafeteria being used to prepare for the unveiling next week :wink:


Good idea! From what I could tell the front panel surrounding the headlights is in red, the front panels on the side and on the handle bar are in black. Exposed frame under the seat and the grab handle at the rear are both in red. Rest everything is matte black!

Are these horses?

Yep. That glimpse of red! The red to denote “Fast” ?

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Probably agression - if I look at aprilla’s strategy they actually had a “race” edition which has even more highlights

This is borderline unappealing - my personal preference is still relatively elegant highlights not an eye magnet. I have high hopes from Ather to have a minimalist look.:crossed_fingers:

Update: @tarun has taken down his tweet - I am glad I downloaded those photos. Looks like all those guesses were in the right direction.:rofl:


Nice work, detective! But if it’s like this scooter, non-appealing.