450X Collectors Edition - "Series 1"

Terrible idea. The first people will get collector’s edition and will not even know how it will look like. And ather has pushed it really far with the revealing of the collector’s edition, I don’t think they should try this at all and test more people’s time and patience. I have been waiting since Jan for this…the wait has been harder than this covid situation to get over.


Will Ather deliver to customers who pre-booked before the 450x launch date? (Viz., eligibile for collector’s edition) first or after launch of 450x.

If you’re eligible for the collector’s edition, you’re still among the first to have per-ordered. So your delivery will be earlier than anyone else who booked later. So if you’re preordered back in Jan or a little later, the timelines we shared would apply to you.

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Use my referral code 8KP5JH

Before 28th Jan 2020 pre bookings are eligible

In one way this makes sense… I’m already confused on which color to choose from… now if ather releases collectors edition in multiple variants it’ll paralyze my ability to choose between variants… running a random choose algorithm will be only option


The winter is coming :slight_smile:) so does the ather450x with collector edition

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OK. Thanks. I had pre-booked in first week of January. As such no personal mail or update on collector’s edition had been made till date and the 450x is available for test rides I had a doubt that the collectors edition might be delayed. Also as you had stated delivery will be as per booking sequence I will like to know if there will be distinct class which will set apart the 450X with the Collectors edition :eyes::thought_balloon:

“Inside Out”…? Can’t wait…Abhishek…


will the collector’s edition have Higher TOP SPEED??? :thinking:

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It should not. Will be only peripheral changes, maybe colors, panels, stickering etc., and hopefully other goodies too. Also maybe promo on subscriptions and access to more cool stuff in dashboard or app, I wish.


I’d love to receive a few Ather stickers (page up a few times) as a part of the other things package…!

Remote possibility for a different high speed than the standard variants. Higher speeds might require reinforced hardware.

I am guessing the CE to sport an attractive scheme of exterior appearance, with no changes to the machine. Probably studded with dual (or multi) color body panels, beautiful decals, …

Also RTO permit on the registered top speed of 450x, unless 450x “collector’s edition” is entered as a different vehicle.

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ZERO possibilities of this happening. The collectors edition is just visually different. It may or may not be the “Inside - Out” theme, could be a different paint theme or employ the use of stickers to make it stand out from the rest of the 450x bikes.

Either way the internal hardware will be exactly same as the non-collectors edition models.


The conspiracy theories keep growing bigger :joy: :joy: :joy:

Okay, let me see if we can get something to share ASAP on the collector’s edition.


@abhishek.balaji - Are you serious? :thinking: as April month is gone. please don’t fool us now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl:


Soon… Very soon… ASAP :smiley: we are really making progress


Seeing this an Ather designer gets up from the bed and starts sketching a possible idea for collectors edition


Well, collectors edition is a limited edition of bikes or cars for any manufacturer which will stand out from the rest of the inventory. Having said that, it can be just a paint job or even a different spec altogether :smiley:

I am just trying to take a wild guess as to how I want the collector’s edition to be for 450X :heart_eyes:

In couple of weeks or less the true design/spec of the collector’s edition will be revealed :smiley:

The count down has begun :joy:

Time to share your collections folks!

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