Wall charger into portable charger

This post is for people looking to make their wall charger portable

Caution: do it at your own risk , makes it more vulnerable to theft , probably voids warranty.

I took the wall charger but soon realised I might need it to be portable in some situations. Since I myself installed my charger I knew how it was inside of the wall mount cover and thanks to this thread I got to know the portable charger also has the same size charger inside of it. So I just modified some things to make mine portable. ( Btw you can fit the entire charger with some hassle into the boot )

I just screwed the top bolts upside down, welded some bolts (because I couldn’t put hand nuts on existing bolts and they were kinda hard to access), spray painted the pannel black since the paint was destroyed after the welds, added some magnets to the bottom part of cover to hold it in place. The light was damaged by my friend while he opened it because he did not know he had to unhook the connector so I just put some LED which was lying around.

I use a tick,small bag made of alcantara to put my charger and put it into the boot. The bag cushions the charger very well inside the boot.

As you can see in the images, my charger wire is run into my home from the shed. I just turn off a switch to stop charging. (A simple solution for people who want to turn off charging. get a switch done inside your house while installing the charger. I know most of you have it directly to your power meter but still thought would let you all know)

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: DiY mount for Portable Charger