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The film is not great and the installation carried out is very shoddy.

Please reach out to customer care to get this rectified.

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Sure. Thanks!

A post was split to a new topic: Charing history logs

Thank you Ather for the sneak peak of the next model and a more powerful version of 450 which is I think is named 890ā€¦ amazing power and incredible rangeā€¦ :wink:

With almost 250km per charge is totally mind blowingā€¦ I can imagine charging once per 10-15days and no range anxiety for those who have itā€¦

Hope it will be released soonā€¦


Wait what. ?? Is this for real? No right?

Ofcourse itā€™s realā€¦

Where is this picture from?

Howā€™d you get a sneak at it? And how does the new one look? Whereā€™s the battery housed ?

578Km in Ride mode and 489Kms in Sport mode. Which means 24kwH battery.
We can take Ather to Leh! :smiley:

I love these software glitches for the entertainment they provide! :slight_smile:


Service or test vehicle with an older firmware:). Or this is the Electric Bike that is being reported in the media :rofl:

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It is in development so obviously it will have a service firmware for its specificationsā€¦ but an amazing bike overall, majorly in-terms of range.

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Our team was speechless

..-. .- -.- . / -. . .-- ...

Perfectā€¦ the hopes are high :wink: hahahahahahahaha

Difficult to make your team speechless :smile:

@Ather.Team any update on removal of the ECO mode any road map to remove it.

I donā€™t think it will be removed

Hmm thatā€™s a weird request. Why would you want it removed? Its a harmless option.

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Really? I was almost hit by a school bus on one day. It was initial days of Eco mode and was in that mode on that day. This school bus was far away and I thought I can make it. However realized that I cannot as I do not have power and had to apply hard braking. I skidded and fell. Bus stopped just inches away. From that day onward, I never want to go back to Eco Mode and in fact I am scared to use. One has to have special skills to drive in that mode. On range, I am sure I can achieve better range in other modes :slight_smile:


Oh sad to know you went through itā€¦ itā€™s a fact that eco mode has very low pick-upā€¦ itā€™s only for slow moversā€¦

Oh man, thats definitely a close shave. Definitely not an ideal mode in such situations.

What I meant is eco mode by itself is harmless. I use it sometimes, especially when am stuck in traffic and low speeds work just fine (which is atleast half the time in bangalore). But Eco mode can be a hazard when its forced on us or when it starts as the default option after a restart and you donā€™t realize it until the last sec when you are driving and need the acceleration. There should be more customization on what modes are default or available in different situations.

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