Share your feedback on the pricing of 450X!

Have you compared that with TVS iQube?

Assuming that the battery will be replaced once every 5 five years, is not correct here. It’s easier said than done, considering the fact that we are seeing varying range in the current 450 owners.

Do the math around when you expect the battery performance to drop below the claimed True Range [68 Km for 450X and 56 Km for 450 Plus in case of subscription]. Then, once can arrive at the conclusion whether he will be benefiting with the subscription or one might end up paying over and above the actual battery cost with battery getting replaced.

This brings an interesting question, what will be the subscription price after the lock-in period of 4 years? In the 4 years, Ather would have already recovered the battery cost with interest rate and some more towards the warranty, Ather Connect charges.

In the case of Plus, I wonder when the battery performance will drop below 56 Km, with Ather having the option to increase the performance just with a software update.

So, in my opinion, if one gets into this subscription plan, with the idea that the battery will be replaced in 5 years, it will not work out.

To conclude, go for the subscription, thinking that you are making a down-payment of 99k and paying regular EMI for 4 years. Evaluate at the end of 4 years, if you want to continue with the subscription depending on the Battery replacement cost and subscription price.

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That’s exactly why I have also given details for just 1 battery replacement in 10 years also. The math I considered for the battery replacement is the following factors:

  1. Ather’s standard 3 years warranty (So I had to assume replacement costs after 3 years)

  2. Lithium ion batteries degrade in 2 ways :

    a) Usage( No of charge cycles)

    b) Calendar aging( based on the age of the battery)

A lithium ion batteries will have good performance upto 500 - 1000 charge cycles after which the performance will degrade badly. Each charge cycle for an ather 450 gives around 75km and for ather 450x 85km. So the battery may last anywhere between 35000 km to 70000km before performance drop. So I considered an average person 5000 km to 10000 km per year. For a person who drives less they can probably get away with only 1 battery replacement in 10 years and a person who drives more probably will need 2 replacements over 10 years. Considering all these factors I assumed the number of battery replacements in 10 years as 1 or 2 replacements. Don’t worry I have done a fair deal of math and research on when and how the battery may degrade :laughing:

As for the new plans announced they were for the 450x model not the 450 plus. But I totally agree that ather can unlock more range in 450 plus as the capacity is electronically limited by software. 450 plus battery subscription in my opinion is a very bad deal.


Can you please share the spreadsheet here, so that we can add other comparisons?

@sumanth1998 Agreed you have done quite a lot of math there :slight_smile:

But, considering that the subscriptions are not yet revised and Ather seems to be coming up with the different ways of showcasing the same pricing, discussion on other options are futile.

Also, you have missed out on adding the insurance cost and road tax. Numbers don’t look good when those things are added.


Sure I would… But I don’t know how to share a spreadsheet here… :sweat_smile:

@abhishek.balaji, So was this feedback helpful for Ather. What is the outcome of this feedback? Is there a remote chance that we can get a Revolt style Pricing ( MRP ), MAP ( EMI for the vehicle + EMI for the battery + Ather Service/Charging charge )…


People who think that Subscription price doesn’t matter go back to the spreadsheet created by Sumanth. If you go through clearly you will find out where it matters. Current subscription is not well thought or Ather went too greedy. I hope it’s the latter and they come up with a better subscription option, which strikes a balance in providing value to customer and better margins to Ather.


@amithrai13, but that is not finalized. It was just a thought. Nothing is finalized yet. I am also eagerly waiting for that confirmation from @Ather.Team

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Agree with you there. But, Ather is known to be a very customer oriented company, which I like about. Hope they will figure out something.

They’re a startup, independent of being a customer oriented company they need money to survive just like others. They can’t go pricing everything aggressively to please customers cause if they do so they’ll need to file for bankruptcy in a couple of years. The first couple of products are bound to be pricy for them to make a firm foundation after which factors such as better battery density, subsidies for the company itself and 100% made in India components would get things much cheaper. Until then the first generation endorsers have to pay the price :).


… For love of Ather. :sparkling_heart:


@sunku.vignesh Agree with you on that. 450 and 450x have got high end components and technology. It is bound to be pricier than the other scooters in the Indian market.

But, there are some intricate details in their subscription, which many have not understood I believe, which was what we are discussion here. To put it in simple terms, being pricier is one thing and totally worthless is another. Go through the chart created by @sumanth1998 you will get it.

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What exactly is the concern with the subscription plan? They are not going to reduce prices - they can’t.


@raghav.srinivasan There are some high probability that some light users might end up paying huge amount of subscription price, without getting any benefit out of the battery warranty with the current price and the battery capability. @sumanth1998 spreadsheet in the above thread explains it well.

Some of the prospective 450x buyers here are awaiting for Ather to come up with High Initial Downpayment and Low Subscription cost. 1,29,000/- and 1,099/- Something in this range as discussed in the Open forum.

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Why not buy it upfront? We’ll have lease and loan options coming soon for upfront purchase, so that should serve light users.

What does your daily usage look like?


Adding to what @sunku.vignesh said,

I think pluginindia captured this sentiment well. Ather is trying to push performance on an electric scooter and that is the direction we’re taking now. Everyone seems to be expecting a cheap scooter, which goes 150+ kms, with high performance, with super fast charging, all priced at 75k?

It’s unreasonable to expect that such a product would exist right now, given that EV market is just evolving.


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