Pass through lights using indicator switch

Pass through switch is available on some 2Ws and all 4Ws where you can flick a switch or lever to turn on the the high beam temporarily. Used for temporarily using the high beam and to warn vehicles ahead of you, but as usual, misused in Indian roads.


How’s that different from manually turning on the high beam yourself? What benefit does that add?

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It’s easier, you just have to press one switch and it toggles between states of high and low beams, rather than you having to toggle multiple times manually.

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Ah, so pass through keeps flipping between high beam and low beam lights? That’s the missing piece I guess. No one else had mentioned it before.

So, you’d use this when you’re going against traffic? Is that the idea?

Right now I manually flip high and low beams to kind of indicate people to switch to low beam instead of high beam.


It doesn’t keep flipping, it does it only once. So, instead of doing two actions to toggle between high and low you do only one.

If only people had the common sense to use low beams in cities :frowning:


Oh, that doesn’t seem very useful then. Atleast I don’t think I would ever need it. I can comfortably turn it on and off manually! :man_shrugging:


Pass Switch in Ather

Request everyone to upvote this feature as it is a very necessary feature. Personally, I use Pass Switch a lot. I am definitely missing the pass switch since I switched to Ather.

I hope this get implemented as soon as possible. Feature requests

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power button hold + horn for pass light seems good combo

I don’t think horn can be used for any purpose other than honking

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well Ather can reroute the switches for certain combos like power hold + indicator to skip song or pick calls

Hi @dewangpatil111 ,

Yes this is what I was expecting to get implemented. Either a hard way or a soft way. This feature is a must. The combo you suggested should work seamlessly unless they have something else planned for that.

We should create a topic on this combo key for feature request.


Hope they can implement this. Tired of flicking the high beam on and off, without even knowing if the front vehicle acknowledges it or not.

ps. Power Button + Horn seems like it should be the combo for the scooter to take a screenshot lol

I really miss this feature, when I moved from Honda Unicorn to Ather! :smiling_face_with_tear: Even now also, without realizing, my left index finger used to search for a switch, to activate the pass light.

Ather, please work on this.


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