Ownership Experience

Nothing much to say but this is the 1000th post of this topic :slight_smile:


I think dey both (ather n vodafone) tie-up with aggrement for certain period /yrs :no_mouth::relieved:


My order ID is 5107

Can I get an tentative date when I get my bike delivered.

The dates are shifted from April to May now.

Crossed 1k posts in this thread

May end you can expect I think… otherwise June surely u get

Vodafone and Idea both have very patchy network coverage in Bangalore. Though Airtel is not great, compared to Vodafone and Idea, Airtel has better coverage


Got my Nimbus 450 today.
Enjoyed it, but was a bit slower than activa125, @Ather.Team do you reduce the torque till the first service??


Yesterday, Activa 125 could beat my Nimbus 450…how?? @Ather.Team, am I tooo gentle with my throttle??

Morning ride to Nature’s Basket, just to ride the bike


When is the first service due ??

I got my vehicle delivered today (ID 3175). The ride back home was exhilarating. After first few Kms I hear sharp sounds near the floor as if something is hitting, the foot rest. Is this some defect or will it settle later.


Had shared few images of the Paint Protection Film and Ceramic Coating I had got done after taking delivery .Based on lot you guys asking for more details … Here’s a short Video I made of all the processes involved .

Hope it helps anyone who would be interested to get it done to their 450 or even their other vehicles .

Have also shared the details of the place from where I have got it done. for pricing, I would recommend to contact them directly as they have different packages and pricing changes on surface area for paint protection film.


How much did cost you to get the coating done ?


@Shreyas I’m facing two major issues with my bike

  1. I have to unplug and plug at least twice for the charge to begin.
  2. Lately, the bike data doesn’t sync with phone for hours no matter how many times I restart both. The network is good and I even tried reinstalling the app. This used to be synced all the time earlier.

Not sure if others are facing this as well.

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How much did it cost you for the package that was chosen?

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Very good video. Has any one used these ppf, ceramic coating or 3M film on any bikes or scooters previously? Is it really worth. Basically does it work?

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Good one with positive note.

I too had similar experience, atleast 3 folks on two-wheelers caught my attention after riding from the showroom yesterday :slight_smile:


I have PPF on my other motorcycle. It has clearly worked . Hence I opted to get it done on the Ather . It will avoid scratches from small drops and scratches which are caused in tight parking spaces . this time I opted for XPEL PPF over 3M after extensive research… the thickness and durability of XPEL ppf is even higher that 3M .


Great, what’s that ceramic coating for

Hey Abhishek,
Thanks for sharing the video. Looks like a neat and thoroughly done professional job. Can you share the total cost and the package you went for at Ceramic pro?
I guess there is one more establishment called www.opticoat.in who undertake the similar treatment. How about talking to both of them negotiating one against other and strike a bulk pricing/offer deal exclusively for Ather owners? I am sure at least 20-30 people will be interested after looking at your video :slight_smile:

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