Optimized Charging with "Custom Charging Completion Time"

Kindly share the source from where you’re sharing this information. Yes i disconnect it at 5 am coz i believe it’ll keep charging my battery and degrade it.

Has Ather shared that the charger cuts off automatically or is it your assumption?

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During the first week when I bought my scooter, I tried to experiment this. I kept the scooter for overnight charging with Optimized Charging on and then it hit 100% by just about 5 ‘o clock. Even though the scooter hit 100%, I left the charger plugged in. After almost 13 hrs when I checked around 6PM the battery depleted by 2% with the status on the scooter dashboard and app showing “Not Charging”. With Optimized Charging off also I had the same results. Also, FYI mine’s the new Ather Duo, so idk how it is for the other chargers.:slightly_smiling_face:

Anyways you can check the website where he says the chargers are Auto cut off.



Thankyou so much Dhruv. I’m glad they have mentioned it. I didn’t knew about it till now. Though i still won’t let it charge even after charging is full but I won’t take stress now if i can’t unplug it after reaching 100. :100::+1:t2:


Bro I leave my scooter plugged in sometimes for 3-4 days. Don’t worry about it, it is smart enough to automatically cut off and start charging again!

Although sitting at 100% for a long time does have a negative impact on the battery health. So doing it daily isnt advisable


But if that was the case why would they provide an option of optimised charging.

If it was not about preserving the battery why would they give option to charge by 5 am!!

They’re so confused always :joy::joy:


As I told, leaving the scooter at 100% everyday is not advisable for the battery.

Optimised charging would reduce the amount of hours the battery stays at 100%, thereby preserving some health and also ready to go with full range by the time you wake up and ready to leave.

But ofcourse, fixed time is a very bad idea. Everyone has different timings and different schedules, especially their market which is relatively younger. The option to set a custom time should definitely come, and also the ability customise it directly through the app (maybe also stop/start charging incase of change of plans)


100 votes :sunglasses:

Keep going :+1:t2:


Come on guys. Just put it below cruise control. Go go go…


This topic is still on Top of all other topics. Hoping to get this feature request fulfilled with Ather Stack 6 !

@suyash.joshi1 @monith.reddy @anupam.s @ryan



Hope for the best


How can I configure my Home Assistant to automatically stop charging my Ather 450X and 450S at 85% using a smart plug?

I have both an Ather 450X and 450S, and I’m using Home Assistant as my home automation platform. I control the smart plug in my parking area through Home Assistant. To optimize the battery life of my electric scooters, I want to set up an automation that stops charging when the battery level reaches 85%.

Could someone guide me through the steps or provide a sample configuration for achieving this? Specifically, I’m looking for:

  1. How to monitor the battery level of my Ather scooters within Home Assistant.
  2. How to create an automation that turns off the smart plug when the battery level hits 85%.
  3. Any additional tips or considerations for setting this up effectively.
  4. If available, could you also provide the API or method to access the battery level of the Ather 450X and 450S?

Thank you in advance for your help!


I wonder why Ather is not pushing an update which allows users to set a charge limit. A SoC of 70-80% is perfect for my daily need. And when I want to go out for long ride, I can set it to 100% the night before. Come on Ather, this a no brainer. Tesla has this. Please bring this in. This will be soooooo convenient and anxiety free…


I think need more works on software…will get it in future


If you use wipro smart plug, you can go into the app, Create scene, IF, any condition is met, power, drops below <480w, then turn off.

Right now Ather does not provides its API to any outsourcing. So this method should do the trick for a 700w charger if you have 350w charger, then set power to 200w instead of 480.


@tarun & team wants more voting on this topic to implement the feature.

Vote vote vote :ballot_box:


Tarun and team don’t care bro. Cruise control and customized charging time is one of the most demanded feature. They could have said we’re working on it atleast till now


Destroy this forum if votes mean nothing that’s no need for it to exist… 159 votes‽‽‽ ‽ Is it not enough :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Cruise control will not come… Tarun once said it’s not in our interest…


Are you sure, Rizta 700w charger will go power consumption under 480w, when the battery is above 80%? Is it like that?


“I wasn’t able to follow the 20-80% charging rule. Will this affect the overall battery life in the long run?”