Yesterday, Ola annouced Ola SOLO, which seemed like a April fools joke.

Then today they released this video.

What do you think?

Here is Bhavish’s word-

Not just an April fools joke!

We announced Ola Solo yesterday. It went viral and many people debated whether it’s real or an April fools joke!

While the video was meant to provide a laugh to people, the technology behind it is something we’ve been working on and have prototyped. It shows the kind of pioneering work our engineering teams are capable of.

Ola Solo is a glimpse into the future of mobility and our engineering teams are working on autonomous and self-balancing tech in two wheelers which you’ll see if future products from us.

Yesterday’ video -

Screenshot from yesterday’s video.

3rd tyre

What do you guys think?


Seems more like a self balancing prototype being handled via RC. As you don’t see any RT surrounding mapping hardware onboard.

If I recollect correctly there was a company presenting its prototype self balancing feature for their e-scooter as well during auto expo ‘23.

Edit : Found this from them the reverse mode with self balancing seems similar.


That is impressive, combining self-balancing and AI, I Know for now its RC but truth to be told they are advacing at a rocket speed compared to here at a snail speed.

Now I really want to know is if it can be placed remotely so that it’s battery pack can catch on fire later?


Self-balancing on a slower speed controlled e-bike(mostly for teenagers, elderly or people who need aid) with less concern about range could be done. Self-balancing acts counterintuitive to the style of riding most are used to while adding extra weight and power draw to the system decreasing the range.


Maybe Ola Solo can be featured in the next James Bond Movie. That’s the only place where this technology might be useful


Let it be a small win or a big win ola is really miles ahead let it be anything from giving features to bugs :joy: but that’s really nice to see it will only advance more and more


This was Google’s 2016 April Fools idea. Been there, seen that


So They didn’t even do anything for the Idea of SOLO Ola