[Closed] AMA - 2, Saturday 1 February

The vehicle will work everywhere. But we would recommend to buy it from a city you reside in so that we can help you service support.


What is the price of 450x plus version without FAME subsidy

Why such an old android version when a new one is available. As you would be knowing there is so many privacy improvements in android 10 which is definitely need for ather 450x as our ride data is frequently monitored , we want to be more secure.

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The shutdown issue has been fixed. This affects a small number of users, and we’re fixing the issue as and when it occurs. The issue is not there with the new battery packs on the 450X.

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So in case there is an issue with the 450 Battery pack post discontinuation of 450 Production, how will Ather provide repair for the older bike?

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Hey kmahi1488, Actually you have this doubt because there are some important points that we could not clarify at the launch. The actual price of the Ather 450 would be much much higher if we were to even break-even on the cost at which we produce it. We have been selling it at that price point because we wanted to create a market for EVs. And we can assure you that no one can make a scooter that has the specs of the Ather 450 at a cost that will justify its old price of 1.13 Lacs (On Road Bengaluru). If you observe, recently launched EV Scooters from the likes of Bajaj & TVS have far lower specs but the same price as that of the existing Ather 450. And even on that they are making losses!

Hence, the 1 lakh price of 450 was an artificially maintained price and it had to go up for it to become sustainable for us. And more importantly, for the market to be anchored properly. Basically, if we kept selling one of the best scooters in the country (perhaps in the world) at such a low price, how would others price their lower-spec but decent EV scooters any higher?

Even 450X has been priced just about at the point where we will barely break - that too if we sell a loooooottttt… of vehicles next year. So, despite our best efforts and best interest, we could not have prices the 450X any lower. We could only try to make it more accessible to as many people as possible - which is what we tried to do with the subscription model. Hope you had a chance to see that.


We will continue to support the 450 for its reasonable life. It is no different from the support provided by the other manufacturers.

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We are currently working on closing the first 10 cities. Basis that we will finalize dealerships. If Guwahati is not part of this list, it might go the 2nd phase city list.

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Yes, we’d keep the support up for 450 customers. Also, that’s correct, no forseeable major change in pricing in the near future, however we might adjust for inflation.

Does the 450x with plus come with the bells and whistles of the pro? Like the Bluetooth connectivity and other features. If no can I know why?
(Sorry if you had answered it previously)

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Great response, please pin it to the top of the thread.

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We are working a 4G upgrade for current 450s, but we don’t have any plan for bluetooth.

450 uses a linux OS, and we will continue to support OTAs for it

Unfortunately, no. The reduction in fast charging time is enabled by the hardware updates in the 450X, will not be available for the 450.

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We will continue to support the 450 for its reasonable life. It is no different from the support provided by the other manufacturers.

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If you pre-ordered the Ather 450X before the unveil on 28-Jan-2020, you’ll get the following -

  1. An Ather 450X branded t-shirt from our merchandise
  2. Priority access in your city to get Ather 450X
  3. Ather 450X Collector’s Edition - the design will follow the theme ‘Inside Out’. We will reveal more details soon.
  4. Free servicing for one year.

Probably, but not idealistically… You guys should know that all small things grow fast having a good strong genes. In this case: freedom, power, security, open source, ecological, beautiful, bold, beyond, front runner…

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Guys lets be clear on one thing on Time Specific & please be frank because most of peoples already invested their money on ATHER 450 and many are going to be.

So I would like to ask @Ather.Team previously when ATHER 450 was there that time also I heard from @Ather.Team that ATHER will always provide the support and OTA updates till “ATHER 450 Lifetime” but now previously I asked about the OTA updates for next 20 years so someone said “few years” might be it 2-3 years as per their message… So , after next 3 or 5 years will your stop giving OTA updates on time to time for ATHER 450??
might be After 5 years or 2 years ATHER will launch new ATHER scooter that time you will come up with new strategy and that time you will say the same thing we will give lifetime support and updates but whatif you stop in next 5 years and for ATHER 450x you will stop after 7 years?
If software is not getting updates on timely then there is no sense to invest in ATHER ?? software is the heart of ATHER & IoT hacking is the dangerous platform without getting updates for the vechile?

I know many of the peoples are not aware of IoT hacking, if the vehicle got hacked or infected with some kind of malware like ransomware you can’t start your vehicle and use it. might be hacker control the whole vehicle

This is the estimated time of deliveries to start. The exact timelines will depend on the Dealer finalization and activation. We do not expect this to be delayed though.

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Now that Ather 450X uses Android is it possible for you guys to provide an option for HERE Maps facilitating downloading of Maps?

When will you come out of this performance shell and focus on range ??
10km range boost no where justifies the price you asked for.

As i ordered my 450x so how it will get it delivered in guwahati ?

  1. No infrastructure.
  2. no service support
  3. waiting period?