Is the Mat you need is from Ather's?

Hey Everyone,

So even I got a mat for reviewing. Thank you @smridhi.kalati for arranging one. My initial thoughts. Mat is a perfect fit with the scooter’s floorboard. The design aspect is too good to be true. but nothing is 100% perfect.

It’s way too flimsy if you are in stop-and-go traffic, there are 100% chances that when you try to keep putting your foot on the ground and back up on the floorboard the mat will fold.

The mat is too slippery and the angle of the scooter plays a major role. It’s whenever you try to keep anything on the floorboard and before you can hook it up, the things will fall down. this was corrected when I bought an aftermarket mat, but this problem is back with the Ather mat.

few points before Ather goes in mass production on the mats.

  • need to be less flimsy

  • should be able to attach to the scooter’s floorboard screws

  • less groves, I mean the height of the groves ( makes them very prone to mud or dust in the groves of it just like a tyre groves)

  • affordable? it costs 599, while a aftermarket costs only 200-250

here are some pictures.


Looks like this can get stolen easily. Is there a anything to lock this mat?


No there is nothing to lock it.

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I got it applied from a service center and they screwed it to the floorboard

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Mine got stolen within a week


I lost mine when I was dropping off kids to school. Only if it was supposed to be secured to the floor board somehow.


Ans -


It’s been month now, I am not getting any updates for ritza accessories , Floor mats and ritza seat cover and body cover etc,