Every time i visite one hero ev is blocing the changing stations, what abt Ather…
What exactly you mean by blocking ?
Hey Bro, For Hero Vida - Grids are Free. So He is Right. They are Blocking our Customers.
Even I wasted 30-45 Mins by Them.
Ather should Work on this and The Collaboration is not Healthy for Atherites
oh ok I understand it now. since its free for Vida users they dont really care as to how long they plug it in. Quote a inconvenience for genuine/in need users.
Here Kerala also…they have 3month free
This is happening quite commonly. First, it was athers blocking Ather grids, now since the charger went open source, not only Vida but every single Chinese ev import is opting for Ather’s connector, @tarun Why are only Ather scooters monetized and not for other grid users? I mean you guys already have the App of Ather grid why not use it for other users to make them pay and use it?
this is a serious problem @tarun. i bought an Ather over ola only because of the charging infra. please do not do this to us.
Lol if this is true it’s amazing how Ather manages to create a worse experience for their own users… Khud ke pair par kuladhi or self-sabotage
Sometimes People Neglect their Own Child but Cherish Others Child. And this makes their own Child to feel Inferior. This is what Ather doing
Facing issues with vida users, they are taking more than 1 hours for charging. I’ m gen 2 users now I have to wait for 90 min to get my vehicle charged.
Isn’t there a cap of 80% on Vida vehicles?
Yes + They are getting Free Charging and We also get Free Charging in Vida Grids
Wait, I charged on a Viva grid for 20 minutes but it was billed on the system.
Which State are you from, I heard it from a Ather Unlocked Winner when i met him in Calicut October Last Week.
He said it in the Vida Grid in Calicut, Even Other Users around 4-5 Vehicles users was there
They also said the Same
No we don’t get free charging
is there a emergency release for vida as well ? gotta teach these guys a lesson so annoying and charges so slow
Is it, Lemme ask once again
Can’t agree at all @chef.arun7 This collaboration is always good for both atherites and Vida. It is a win-win game for both. The reason atherites consider it is not healthy, is vida chargers are less in numbes. But we forget vida users are also less in numbers. I think vida have a higher grid to user ratio than Ather. Someone may come up with exact figures. This ratio favors atherites. Even though this ratio is not in favour of atherites, such collab is always healthier for the industry as a whole in long run. Such collab promotes the widespread adoption of LECCS and this will subsequently boost charging infra. ‘We vs Them’ attitude is divisive, irresolute and must be discouraged.
What if Tata and Mahindra use different charging guns and different charging infra for their e4W?
My personal opinion is… Ather must 1. Encourage existing and newcomer e2W, e3W manufacturers to adopt LECCS gun in their model and roll out the existing Ather Grid charging infra to them also. 2. Encourage major charging infra players like Zeon, GoEC, EVOK, KSEBL etc to install Ather Grid or thier own charging equipment with LECCS gun and allow all Ather scooters to charge there at rates being decided by them, like e4W industry.
Yes sir, But Coimbatore Vida Grids are not connecting to Ather Vehicles. How come we tolerate this.
Collaborations are good when Both Parties are Benefited
I don’t think Ather is ready to Share the Stuffs about Charging that too Fast Charging Topic Because They are afraid of 3rd Party Fast Portable Chargers may come into the Market. Will see.
Already Ather doing Good Collab with Zeon Charging and VEEV Charging. But Need to Collab with More and More Yeah
Hasn’t Ather already made their charging standard available to all? And that too free?