GV 1 year Ownership, Lease plan cheating

I can summarize my 1 year ownership in a single sentence. The scooter as a standalone product is an excellent one, but the whole thing around it the people, the company and the service is a pain to live with. Initial booking, make payment and getting the lease papers done is a breeze, you might believe that you are in a fairy tale world. The team will be very appreciative if you speak good about them and will look very keen to help you out in any possible way. This whole thing fades away at the first hint of any issues. Email will not elicit response nor will any one reach out to you with details. You then learn to live with it and move on and so then year passes without much further issue. That is when the next beast unveils. I had taken the lease route to just experiment a new way of ownership. Autovert plan though a little costly than upfront purchase, was guaranteeing a stress free ownership, by promising maintenance and Subscriptions related issues for the whole tenure of the lease. I was not paying much heed to discussion on the forum about the plan changes and cost because i thought I was well insured from all these because of the lease plan. But now after 1 year I am left without any connectivity features because the subscriptions expired. Autovert has gone back on their promise and it seems the subscriptions are not assured in the agreement, even though it was very clearly mentioned in the FAQ provided along with the agreement. Ather is also not very forth coming on their stand about the lease customers.

TLDR I would say “KEEP AWAY”, unless you are ready to experiment and have some spare cash to throw around. If you really looking for ICE alternate, better to wait out for some bigger players to come and the market to heat up before parting your hard earned money.

12-Aug-2020 Got the connectivity feature restored. Would have been better if they could have acknowledged the discrepancy when customers pointed out instead making us fight and leaving a sour taste.


Glad your connectivity is restored. Hope customers will thoroughly go through lease contracts before getting into one and Ather will look into this as Autovert is their lease partner.

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