[Event] Realising a dream: From Design to Manufacture

Hey folks!

What comes to your mind when you think of a scalable design?

Did it remind you of the time you worked very hard on developing a concept into a prototype, hoping to turn it into a product? Or it reminded you of an idea that has lingered in the back of your mind as an unfinished project for a while now.

This is where the understanding of manufacturing processes can help - how does one take an idea, validate it and then scale it up into a product for the masses?

This session will include several such insights from Srivenkata Subramanian, who’s a part of our Manufacturing Engineering team. And this could be your guide towards your true north, as you turn that idea into a usable product.

Our talent team has been putting together some of these sessions, thought this might be useful for you folks as well, do join in if you’re interested!