Dot charger and changing cities

Hi , I just booked a 450x and now in a dilemma about opting for a dot charging station or the portable charger. The reason is that I won’t be staying at the place I will buy the scooter for a long time (maybe 3-4 months) and might shift to another state soon. But tbh I love the dot charger and it’s looks. So what are my options here?

  • Can I opt in for a dot charger and then move it to me next city?
  • or can I opt for a dot charger , return it in my present city and then get another one in my next place?
  • Or I just gotta opt for the portable charger, use it for now and then pay again for dot charger in the next city?

If you love the way the DOT charger looks, you can get it with the vehicle now and take it alongwith you when you move to another city. Though if I was in your place, I would buy the portable charger for the ease of carrying it around.

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okay removing and carrying it is : ) thank you

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Go for a portable charger, It’s the same, they charge at the same speed and you can also carry it in your storage easily, DOT is more like a Portable charger with outer shell

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