Deliveries: Bengaluru

Waiting to see this kind of invite for Chennai people

Did you receive your registration number from RTO? If Yes when was challan done? Which RTO? When did you receive RTO SMS after challan?

Mine was registered at Electronic City RTO , challan was done on 27th and got registered yesterday .

Then surely you will get call max by tomorrow

I just got a call , yupppie

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@Shreyas @Ather.Team my order number is 4630ā€¦ payment window opened on 22/05/19 applied immediately for leaseā€¦ they took two days but not cleared then I cancelled paid at once on 24/05/2019ā€¦ Got call for signature and that also done. Got mail saying 2nd delivery but nothing progressed later when I call today customer careā€¦ status is not possible delivery on 2nd saying some reasons and as per rule you will deliver 10 to 15 days afterā€¦ now my question is did you sticked you timeline for delivery? After listening status of my delivery you donā€™t know how bad Iā€™m feeling about Atherā€¦ I waited more than 10 months never felt bad but sorry today Iā€™m feeling like yelling at you people go to hell who care you delivery or notā€¦ I not expected thisā€¦

Same here bro, my registration process is stuck, Kormangla RTO sucks, even I will miss my delivery in coming week

Even me bro. My invoice was generated on 24 may but they didnā€™t even send me the invoice (I needed it for insurance. I opted to get it myself). When I asked them for the invoice they were like " Oh, we didnā€™t know that u didnt opt for the insurance provided by them(partnered company), and at last they sent me the invoice yesterday, due to that I will not be making the delivery on 2nd. They took almost a week to send the invoice. That was a bad response from ather.

Hey bro we can feel your painā€¦ But u canā€™t use such words for team atherā€¦ Dey are trying der best to deliver to all waiting membersā€¦ May b some technical problem or due to some issue dey may hve postpone some deliveries.
Friend b coolā€¦ Peace :v:t2:
Watever happens, happens for reason :four_leaf_clover:


Hey @gt_ravi

I can understand you were exited to take delivery which did not go well due to some reason. Agreed that you made all your effort to complete things from your side on time.

They have opened many payment windows it is getting challenging for them to handle. In this confusion they might have confirmed the delivery date.

There are many people who have made the payment before and whose order id is before yours they might be taking the delivery.

I donā€™t know till what order id they are delivering on 2 Jun. The reasons can be anything for delay.

I think yelling at them without knowing the correct root cause for delay is not correct. Best thing would be to find out what is correct cause for delay and try and fix that problem together.

Everything is new for them as well and they are trying to handle it in best way.

Please relax and think about it. If we work together we can come out with best solutions.


I was frustrated and yelled. I donā€™t have repent on it. I have done my side what I can doā€¦ now their turn let them deliver whenever they want/can, itā€™s just another one more bikeā€¦ I donā€™t even care if they deliver next yearā€¦ till I can wait I will try to wait. Itā€™s just over excitement made me behave like that which is not good I leaned. @Shreyas you can deliver after clearing all orders in Bangalore Iā€™m not going to call or see every half hour mail or forumā€¦ thank and sorry alsoā€¦

Donā€™t get disinterested

You will get your bike and someday you will understand the delay for delivery also

Really Appreciate your thoughts. Thanks a lot for understanding.

We keep learning every day thatā€™s how we grow.

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16 posts were merged into an existing topic: Insurance

I can completely understand what you are going through!
Itā€™s the same kind of feeling and excitement for me too!
But always remember one thing in life
What ever happens in life is for our own good
So when you have waited for 10 long months another 10 days hardly makes any difference IMHOā€¦!
Trust me I can understand your situation!
Because of my trip abroad, though my vehicle is ready with RTO registration everything up to date I will not be able to participate in the historic mass delivery event on 2nd and instead Iā€™m taking delivery on 7th after I come back!
So have some patience mate!
Good luck!


I appreciate your comment on supporting Ather.

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Currently our manufacturing capacity is at about 25,000 units annually. With our ambitious expansion to other cities, it wonā€™t suffice for too long. We are looking at another manufacturing facility with volumes between half a million to 1 million.

Our targets for Ather Grid are congruent with our expansion plans and we are looking at setting-up 6500 fast charging points across India by the end of 2022 with an investment of INR 130 crores. These are DC fast chargers that charge at the rate of a km a minute. As demand increases, we also have the capability to augment this network with AC chargers which are much lower in cost. As and when we decide to do this, we can expand our charging network exponentially to 5X-10X of the numbers currently planned.


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How much time typically it takes for the charging point to be installed after making the payment?I have completed my payment yesterday.

After payment it takes approximately 10 days for delivery
Theyā€™ll make sure that the Point is installed at least a day before the delivery.

Thanks a lot hemant