Buy Vs Lease Vs Loan

Lease is a great option for those who are unsure of long term usage, and those who are looking at upgrading frequently. Say you’re unsure if you’d be staying in the same city for more than a year or so, lease removes the hassle of owning, selling etc.

The deposit is refundable upto 100% depending on how long you take the lease for. But yes, if you don’t want the flexibility that the lease plans offer, upfront payment or loan would work out cheaper.


I hate to correct you, but in deposit shown here up to 12th months in payment is showing as non-refundable, only after the 13th month they start providing refunds up to 11250 if a deposit is above 45000, here are the 4 scenarios

scene 1, no refund, 6002 per month for 12 months brings the value of 72024, + 30000 no refund that totals 102024 per year of usage wow !!!

scene 2, even with a 13th-month rental I would not get any refund on deposits because the deposit is still lower than 45000,

scene 3 with 45000k deposit the rental comes down to 5476 with 13 months of usage 71188 and only get a refund of 11250 so here also the total comes to 45000+71188-11250 = 104938.

and In the last scene a full 60000 deposit with 4950 per month to a whopping 178200 as rental and full 60000 refunds, but this is the actual cost of the scooter, why would anyone involve auto vert in the first place? Don’t forget only service benefits for all the time in the lease

I’m not against anyone but the pricing model is terrible and yes it might be helpful for anyone who is moving to the city to city but will he buy this expensive lease model for a scooter?


@power_light2000 where did you find this lease calculator? Is this for 450 ? 450 Lease and 450x lease plan is very different. Also you are ignoring the last line in the original post by @abhishek.balaji, where it is clearly mentioned, in case of 450x early lease plan enthusiats, they can get the downpayment back or keep the vehicle. isn’t it a sweet deal?

Say, I give 60K downpayment, lease the vehicle for 3 years and then keep the vehicle. In that case, I believe you will be paying around 10k more, which is fine for me. Correct me if I am wrong.

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This is the lease calculator shown in my 450x payment window, if you choose to keep the Scooter then you lose the security deposit I guess because that part is missing from the panel eg: 60000 which is the initial payment as a security deposit and the rental paid plus closing fees which they never disclosed

We won’t be getting back down payment in case we retain the vehicle, the total cost in more than 2 lakh. It’s clearly mentioned in the plan.

If u don’t retain the vehicle, still you won’t be getting full down payment back, it will depend on vehicle condition.


Has anyone selected the lease option for series 1… Is the lease option good to go or should I opt for full payment…

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Go with lease if you plan on switching vehicle within 2 to 3 years or lesser and if you prefer monthly installments. Go with full payment if the cost isn’t an issue. Lease will eventually cost more than full payment (if you’re considering 3 years) but resale and switching to a new vehicle isn’t an issue. Personally prefer fully payment.


Thanks for sharing your views

Can I get 450x lease option vs purchase comparison done over for 6 years

Depends your usage bro ,

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I would use minimum 1000kms per Month…

Ya if you go for lease option everything they take care no worries and if you own service part and plans you have to take care and so make wise decision according ly bro .

If the monthly payment towards justifies your usage, you may consider. No point in paying more than what you would use. Whatever it is taking on lease will be costlier than full payment.

When i had discussion about lease with customer support, they said if you do downpayment of 30k then you would be paying 5684 as EMI every month. So i calculated roughly about the cost of Lease.

Total EMI for 3 years: 5684*36 = 2,04,624.

One time cost of Lease: 1850

Downpayment = 30000

Service pro is included but Connect isn’t. So im taking connect lite for calculation and it is 4500 for 3 years (without GST)

Total cost is : 236474 + 4500 = 240974

When it come to one time ownership i think you will end up paying 1,80,000 with Taxes, Insurance and others.

2 years of insurance will be somewhere around 12-14k

3 years of Service lite and connect lite is 7200 + 4500 = 11700

Total cost is around: 2,05,700

If you are planning to take it on loan then i think it will be similar price with lease because of interest,processing fee, pre closure charges.

Share me your though on this. Add incase i missed something.


About the insurance, the final cost already includes 5 year insurance period (1 year 1st party and 5 years 3rd party) and costs about 5k. Curious to know how you arrived at the 2 year and 14k estimate?

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I guess govt removed mandatory 5 years insurance. I’m not sure if currently it is 3 years or just 1 year OD+third party. I just calculated for 3 years overall. I have taken 7k for insrance/year for 2 years. I didnt know it is 5k. I thought it would be more because of premium EV vehicle.

Something you should also take into consideration is under lease. You aren’t taking the Govt subsidy of about 29k in case of the 450X. So the lease overall cost of ownership will look like it’s much higher than out right buy.

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So many people got 5 year comprehensive insurance for Ather 450 in HDFC for 12k. You can get 450X for 16-18k and that will be hassle free.

Otherwise, you can just take for 1 year comprehensive at the time of purchase, and for the subsequent years, you can get 1 year comprehensive (which should be around 5k per year)

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Ah my bad. Somehow confused the 450X with my 450 purchase experience🙂

Govt subsidy is already discounted in final price. 1.59L what you see is after subsidy. Still EVs are expensive, imagine without subsidy. :neutral_face:

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