Atherstack Atom - 10.1.5

Hey Ather 450X & 450 Plus Owners,

We’re rolling out the next OTA update (10.1.5) with a few improvements and bug fixes. This update carries improvements that enhance your riding experience.

What’s changed?

  • Considerably reduced dashboard reboots while riding.
  • Ather App now shows the version number of the latest OTA update.
  • Now add favorite locations on the dashboard. To add a favorite location, select a location on your dashboard, swipe up on the location card, and tap the star to favorite.

The update might take a day or two to get downloaded and installed on your scooter. If this is the first time you’re installing an OTA update, you can refer to this post for instructions on installations.

A huge thanks to our @Early-Access owners, who have shared feedback. We’ll be releasing the next version into early access soon.