Ather Mat review

Hi all,

Just wanted to share my review on the offical Ather mat, that had been provided to me for testing and a review.

Well… its a mat to begin with and I barely observe its presence, in my daily ride to work. So to review this, seemed to be … strange.

Thanks to @smridhi.kalati for reaching out to me, and co-ordinating everything.

The offical Ather mat :

Old mat :

To review, I compared this to my existing mat, that I had since 2020.

Pros, from what i’ve observed till now :

  1. Good quality rubber - its great, and slightly more studier than what I had.
  2. Looks nice (in my opinion) and is plain and simple
  3. No water stagnation on the mat

Cons :

  1. Anytime now, its going to be stolen from my vehicle. This mat isn’t subtle, and would attract attention. For its price point - (MRP - 599/-) this is going to hurt my wallet, if stolen.
  2. It doesn’t have side edges, that my previous mat used to have, to protect the running board at the bottom. (White scooters are plagued with paint fading off due to wear and tear)
  3. It keeps shifting a bit, while on the move, though this is negligible.
  4. Price tag - a bit expensive for a mat, innit? :sweat_smile:

Overall a neat product, but not a must-have in my opinion! Purely cosmetic and based on rider’s choice!

Some more pictures to do the talking :

Bonus : 6,805 kms and 3 years later.

Just looking like a wow.



Hi Sir, where did you procure the paddock stand from?

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I personally like the other design tho

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Hi Abhishek!

Source - grand pitstop website

Price : 3,399/- (after a discount which they were running)

Note - please buy a paddock stand if really necessary. Else its a bit of pain to put the scooter on that, for daily use.


Perfect fit 450X